give permission美式发音: 英式发音: v.许可网络释义:准许;允许某人做某事;你只需要臣服同义词反义词v.forbidv.consent,agree,allow,sanction,let网络释义v.1.许可1...
give power网络释义:给力网络释义1.给力 盘点 Summarize 给力 Give power 推荐 Recommand ... 造句带翻译释义:,给力1.Despite its growing insignificance, this pattern ha...
give precedence造句带翻译释义:1.Why does God give precedence to the free will of the dark ones over the free will of light beings?为什么上帝给予黑暗势力优先的自...
give rein to美式发音: 英式发音: na.让马自由走;使…自由发挥;给…自由网络释义:使...自由发挥;放任;纵容网络释义na.1.让马自由走;使...自由发挥;给...自由,放任,纵...
give prominence造句带翻译释义:1.He entered into a partnership with media outlets he knew would give prominence to the material.他开启与传统媒体出口的合作关系,他...
give rights to造句带翻译释义:1.After all, we already count as legal persons, and give rights to, such things as corporations and ships.比较,我们已经将公司、船只...
give prominence to美式发音: 英式发音: na.重视网络释义:突出;战略的突出位置;详细网络释义na.1.重视,突出1.突出 ... give priority to 认为优先。 give prominenc...
give rise to美式发音: 英式发音: na.惹起网络释义:引起;导致;使发生网络释义na.1.使发生,引起,惹起1.引起 ring up 打电话 give rise to 引起;使发生;造成 at all ris...
give regards网络释义:向……问好网络释义1.向……问好 ... garage 汽车库 give regards 向……问好 go sailing 航海 ... 造句带翻译释义:,向……问好1.Sincerely represent...
give someone the slip美式发音: 英式发音: 网络释义:逃脱网络释义 escape from someone who is following or chasing you1.逃脱 Give someone a piece of...
go out of one's way美式发音: 英式发音: na.绕弯儿走;不怕麻烦;特地;故意网络释义:特别费心;特地做;想尽办法网络释义na.1.绕弯儿走;不怕麻烦2.特地;故意1.特地 educat...
God's country美式发音: 英式发音: na.乐土网络释义:上帝的国度;神的国度网络释义na.1.天府之邦,乐土,故乡,祖国n.1.a nation or piece of land that is dearly lov...
Judas kiss美式发音: 英式发音: na.假亲热网络释义:犹大之吻;犹大的亲吻;口蜜腹剑网络释义na.1.假亲热,口蜜腹剑,阴险的背叛1.犹大之吻 7、斯芬克司之谜 Riddle of t...
jubilation美式发音: [ˌdʒubɪˈleɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌdʒuːbɪˈleɪʃ(ə)n] n.欢腾;欢欣鼓舞;欢庆网络释义:庆祝;欢呼;喜悦同义词反义词n.disappointmentn....
give speech美式发音: 英式发音: v.演讲网络释义:发表演说;做演讲网络释义v.1.演讲1.发表演说 ... take goods/letters 送货/信 give speech 发表演说 keep promise...
give quarter美式发音: 英式发音: na.饶命网络释义:准其投降免死;从宽发落网络释义na.1.不杀,饶命1.准其投降免死 on the quarter 在船尾部 give quarter 准其投降...
give satisfaction美式发音: 英式发音: na.使满足[满意];赔偿;答应决斗网络释义:使满意;接受挑战;与…相同的网络释义na.1.使满足[满意];赔偿;答应决斗1.使满足 the sa...