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give precedence是什么意思_怎么读

give precedence


1.Why does God give precedence to the free will of the dark ones over the free will of light beings?为什么上帝给予黑暗势力优先的自由意志凌驾在光存有的自由意志之上?

2.The PageRequestManager class enables you to give precedence to a specific postback and cancel others that are underway.PageRequestManager类使您能够为某个特定回发赋予优先级,并取消正在进行中的其他回发。

3.The manner is the oneself, the man or should give precedence out of courtesy, gives these five characters the woman to say.方式是自己时,该男子还是应该优先进行礼貌,让这些五言女子说。

4.If we give precedence to the word, this is called literal or word-for-word translation.如果我们以字面意思为主,这叫做直译或字对字翻译。

5.When it comes to benevolence, one need not give precedence even to his teacher.当仁,不让于师。

6.You can give precedence to control settings on the current page by applying a theme as a style sheet theme.您可以通过作为样式表主题应用主题,将优先级赋予给当前页的控件设置。

7.Do you give precedence as well to the one who files first for a patent?你们对首先申请专利的人也给予优先权吗?

8.The Feudal Rule: "Give precedence in all things to close relatives and do as you like to others. "封建法则:“在一切事务上优先考虑你的近亲,对其他人随意置之”。

9.LanguagePriority allows you to give precedence to some languages # in case of a tie during content negotiation. #LanguagePriority允许你在会话过程中优先使用一些语言。

10.fail to give precedence to pedestrians on zebra crossing没有让斑马线上的行人先行