give regards
1.向……问好 ... garage 汽车库 give regards 向……问好 go sailing 航海 ...
造句带翻译释义:,向……问好1.Sincerely represents me to give regards to the expensive club allcolleague!谨代表我向贵俱乐部全体同仁问好!
2.Give regards or greet with sight certainly, on a lot of neighbourhood of pedestrian, unnecessarily to the all people who brush past.当然,在行人众多的街道上,不必对所有擦身而过的人都以目光致意或打招呼。
3.Please give regards to your parents for me.请代我向你父母问好。
4.Will certainly lead you to give regards to my father , will certainly meet this year.一定带您向我爸问好,今年一定会见面的。
5.give regards to your father , your mother through you通过您向令尊、令堂问好!
6.Please give regards to your brother请代为向令兄致意