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give permission是什么意思_怎么读

give permission

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1.准许 ask for permission 征求许可;请求允许 give permission 准许 grant permission 准许 ...

2.许可 give encouragement 鼓励, give permission 许可, give support 支持, ...

3.允许某人做某事 (not harm) 幸免 (give permission) 允许某人做某事 (lease) 出租 ...

4.你只需要臣服你只需要臣服give permission),比如不断默诵开灯,冰蓝,谢谢你,或者我爱你,神性就会清除掉保存那些那些记忆的磁 …

5.佝叧需要臣朋佝叧需要臣朋give permission),比奷丌断默诵开灯,冰蓝,谢谢佝,戒者我爱佝,神性就会清除掉保存迈些迈些记忆癿磁 …


1.'I actually would have to stop and give her reassuring hugs and have her give 'permission' to let her clothes go, ' he says.“我不得不停下来,给她一个安慰的拥抱,并让她确认能否放弃自己的衣服。”加尔奇诺斯说道。

2.But even if you give permission, do you know everything they're doing with that information?但是,即使你允许这么做,你能知道他们怎样处理这个信息吗?

3.Please return this form letting me know if you give permission for your child to have her picture taken.请回复下表,让我们知道你是否同意我们给你的孩子拍照。

4.In the Give Permission section, click the group to which you want to add the user.在“授予权限”部分中,单击要向其添加用户的组。

5.The SELECT permission grants authority to look at data in a table, but does not give permission to alter it.SELECT权限可授予在表中查看数据的权限,但不授予变更数据的权限。

6.I give permission to Tsinghua University and UTS to obtain official records from any educational institution attended by me.我允许清华大学与悉尼科技大学从我就读过的任何学校取得与我有关的正式记录;

7.I want to be able to give permission to different users in my domain for different labels within the administration side.我希望能够给我的域中的不同用户权限内的行政方不同的标签。

8.In the Give Permission section, select the Contribute - Can view, add, update, delete, approve, and customize check box.在“授予权限”部分,选中“参与讨论–可以查看、添加、更新、删除、审批和自定义”复选框。

9.The law, which stated that a first wife had to give permission before others were added, for instance, had kept polygamy rare here.这条法律说,如果要另娶妻子,第一位妻子必须同意,这使得多妻制比较少。

10.For each table that can be accessed, give permission only to run the SELECT statement.对于每个可访问的表,授予只能运行SELECT语句的权限。