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美式发音: 英式发音: ['gæləntlɪ]







1.雄赳赳 9. 雄劲[ strong] 10. 雄赳赳[ valorousness;gallantly;valiaritly] 12.雄峻[ high,steep and magnificent] ...

2.漂亮地 ... gallant 英勇的 gallantly 漂亮地 gallantry 勇敢 ...

3.英勇无畏的气质与状态 [strong] 坚强有力的 [valorousness;gallantly;valiaritly] 英勇无畏的气质与状态 [high,steep and magnificent] 雄壮险峻 ...

4.风貌 Never( 永远): Gallantly风貌): Energetically( 勇猛): ...

5.献殷勤地 ... 献殷勤 wench 献殷勤地 gallantly 献词 dedication ...

6.英勇地 relatively 比较上;相对地 gallantly 英勇地 fought 战斗;抵抗 ...

7.勇敢地 gallant 英勇的, 壮丽的 gallantly 勇敢地, 漂亮地 gallantness 英勇 ...

8.形容词 ... 雄赳赳 valiant;gallant 1. 形容词 valiantly;gallantly 雄赳赳 gallant ...


1.this is a thousand pities , he said gallantly , to two or three of the girls nearest him , as soon as there was a pause in the dance.“真是万分的遗憾,”跳舞剧一停顿,他就对离他最近的两三个姑娘大献殷勤说。

2.carrying it for her is also appreciated, so it is not uncommon to see burly young men gallantly toting pink or diamante-studded bags.为她拿包也同样能博她一笑,于是看见有壮汉殷勤地提着一个镶钻的的粉红色包包并不鲜见。

3.and yet I, who was near your Majesty during this whole day, never knew you fight a field so gallantly .但我整天在陛下跟前,还从没见过您仗打得这么漂亮。

4."Those who are showing the world what female manners _should_ be, " said Mr. Bertram gallantly, "are doing a great deal to set them right. "“那些以身作则向人们表明女性应该怎样待人接物的人,”伯特伦先生阿谀逢迎地说,“对于纠正她们的错误起着巨大的作用。”

5.First to draw blood was John, who gallantly climbed into the boat and held Starkey.第一个使敌人流血的是约翰,他英勇地爬上小艇,扑向斯塔奇。

6.She has caught more than is for her good from the settlers, and especially from the gallantly officers.她从那些移民和献殷勤的军官那儿学了不少坏东西。

7.Armed defense of democratic existence is now being gallantly waged in four continents.民主主义国防武装的存在就是现在四个大陆的伟大职责。

8."To sit next to you, " he replied gallantly, "would cause any man to lose his appetite. "“坐在您身边,”他殷勤地说道,“任何男人都会失去胃口的。”

9."A lobster salad is the best thing in the world for a headache, " Pen said gallantly, "and a glass of wine I'm sure will do you good. "“龙虾色拉是医头痛的灵丹妙药,”小潘殷勤地说,“我还相信,喝一杯酒对你大有好处。”

10.They were gallantly helping out at home, doing something that was not their ultimate responsibility.他们是在英勇地帮忙做家事,做的事情并非他们的根本职责。