美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌgælə'rɪə]n.(有屋顶的)拱廊商街
n.1.a roofed court with shops or businesses opening onto it, usually at several levels
1.拱廊街 ... 克拉码头( Boat Quay) · 新达城中心 Galleria · 植物园 singapore botanic garde…
7.拱廊商业街它激发了许多其它商业街和购物中心采用“拱廊商业街”(galleria)的形式。同时铸铁结构的使用激发了巴黎埃菲尔铁塔的设计灵 …
造句带翻译释义:,拱廊商街,拱廊街,商业街廊,凯丹广场1.O. k. , my dad's a custom contractor and does big houses around the galleria and such and custom ranch houses.恩,我父亲是个定制承包商,他在诸如新达城这样的地方周围建造了很多大房子和定制的农场住宅。
2.Zoom - galleria Simply put: so far so good for the Old Lady!简单说:老妇人从来就是这么强大的!
3.zoom - galleria Cesc Fabregas has again denied that he is interested in a return to Catalan giants Barcelona.法布雷加斯再次否认了他对于重返加泰罗尼亚豪门巴萨有任何兴趣。
4.In November of 2006 a boutique containing both collection and Michael Michael Kors opened at the galleria east in Seoul, Korea.2006年11月,一家包括MichaelKors和MichaelMichaelKors的精品店在韩国首尔的galleriaeast开幕。
5.zoom - galleria Daniele De Rossi has warned that Italy must beat Ukraine on Wednesday night or else they risk elimination from Euro 2008.德罗西警告说周三晚对乌克兰的比赛一定要拿下,否则意大利有被踢出08欧洲杯的危险。
6.On our left were the shops, their windows lighted, and the entrance to the galleria.我们的左面是店窗明亮的铺子和商业街廊的入口。
7.But I don't need anything at the galleria.我又不需要那里面的东西
8.Holiday Inn Galleria Manila is 15 km from Ninoy Aquino International Airport.马尼拉假日盖勒瑞饭店距离尼诺阿基诺国际机场15公里。
9.Galleria Chengdu is GTC Real Estate's first shopping mall in China.成都凯丹广场是环达通房产在中国开发建设的第一个购物中心。
10.Organizers at La Galleria had expected the auction to fetch a total of 100, 000 pounds, but in the event it made 268, 320.LaGalleria拍卖行的组织者原估计这次拍卖的总收入可达10万英镑,但结果却达到26万8320英镑。