美式发音: [ˈɡælən] 英式发音: ['ɡælən]n.加仑(液量单位,在英国、加拿大及其他一些国家约等于 4.5 升,在美国约等于 3.8 升,一加仑为四夸脱)
gallonn.1.加仑(液量单位,在英国、加拿大及其他一些国家约等于 4.5 升,在美国约等于 3.8 升,一加仑为四夸脱)a unit for measuring liquid. In the UK, Canada and other countries it is equal to about 4.5 litres; in the US it is equal to about 3.8 litres. There are four quarts in a gallon.
n.1.加仑〔液体=4夸脱 (quarts);〔英国〕固体=1/8蒲式耳 (bushel)〕
n.1.a unit for measuring an amount of liquid, especially gas or water. In the U.S., a gallon is equal to 3.79 liters. In the U.K., a gallon is equal to 4.55 liters. A gallon contains 8 pints or 4 quarts
1.加仑 568 milliliter 毫升 1 gallon 加仑 1 pound-force 磅力 ...
2.加伦 bushel 蒲式耳, gallon 加伦, gill 吉耳, ...
3.一加仑2007-05-24 14:40最近遇见问题了请问一加仑(gallon)等于多少毫升(ml)啊?...
4.英加仑e) 英液品脱(pint) 美液品脱(pint) 英加仑(gallon)
5.的汽油 gallop 汽车加了几加仑 gallon 的汽油,就飞跑 gallop 起来 828 ...
6.卡隆 ... (BULLETA/ 布丽塔) (GALLON/ 卡隆) (SASQUATCH/ 萨斯卡茨) ...
7.集尘桶尺寸 ... 入风口尺寸: 8” x 4” x 2 集尘桶尺寸: 28 gallon 噪音值 3M,74db at 3m position ...
8.一加仑瓶装3. 金芙护肤乳液:一加仑瓶装 (Gallon)容 量:一加仑、128盎司 (128oz) 价格上虽小贵些,但是效果成绩上却是得意非凡 她适 …
造句带翻译释义:,加仑,加伦,英加仑,的汽油1.It included special offers of $1. 99-a-gallon gasoline for a year to any customer who purchased a gas guzzler.这样的猫腻就包括提供给这些大型车为期一年1.99美元的特价油供应。
2.No point getting a gallon of milk if it is going to turn sour with a couple of days.购买一加仑的牛奶时,如果它几天之后就过期了,那别去买。
3.B. Okay. How much do you want me to get? A gallon?好的,你要我买多少?一加仑?
4.These systems are also very slow - you may have to wait for up to four hours for it to produce a gallon of drinkable water.另外这些系统运作起来也是十分耗时――要生产出1加仑的饮用水你也许得等上4个小时。
5.Behind each chamber is a 55-gallon-drum stove with a door on the front and a chimney hole with two pipes in the back.每个房间后面都有一个55加仑的鼓形炉,前面有一个门,后面有个带两个管道的烟囱洞。
6.Each box had a round, four-gallon tank molded out of polypropylene, with an open-ended shaft in the middle where the seedlings grew.每个盒子都配有一个容量4加仑的圆形聚丙烯水箱,中央有开口筒腔,作物就在里面生长。
7.He pulled out a one-gallon, wide-mouth jar and set it on the table in front of him.他拿出一个一加仑的广口瓶放在他面前的桌上。
8.He mixed the paint outside andwaddled to the door with a gallon in each hand, the drop cloth under his arm, anda wide brush in his mouth.他在房子外面调好颜料后两手各提一桶颜料,腋下夹着罩衣,嘴叼刷子,蹒跚着朝房门走去。
9."It's $4. 26 a gallon here now, and I'd constantly be worrying how much gas would cost next week. "“现在这儿的油价是每加仑4.26美元,而我会经常担心下周要花费多少油钱。”
10.A beautiful woman is still beautiful if she goes for a week without washing, fries herself in the sun and drinks alcohol by the gallon.一个美女哪怕一周不洗脸,天天晒太阳,夜夜喝得酩酊大醉,照样是个美女。