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网络释义:目定口呆第三人称单数:gapes  现在分词:gaping  过去式:gaped  同义词





v.1.to look at something or someone with your mouth open because you are very surprised2.to open wide, or to be wide open

1.目定口呆的奇景。」你也可说:「每个人都O嘴。」Gape也解震惊得目定口呆。你可说:「一对年轻情侣赤身露体,牵手漫步中环,每 …


1.Tom gaped at the strange things in front of him what he could not name.汤姆凝视着眼前的奇怪东西,叫不出它的名字来。

2.Wun Wun gaped at him with fascination, but when the giant reached for him the fool hopped back away, jingling.旺·旺着迷地瞪着他看,可是等他伸手去捉,弄臣叮叮当当地向后跳开了。

3.Darknesses so complete that they might have been portals into the earth gaped between some of the trunks.一些树木中间,那些漆黑的裂缝,就如同是可以钻入地底的入口。

4.The crowd gaped, for it was a grotesque sight to see this little man ranting away just as if he were addressing his followers.观众都傻了眼:这么个小小人物竟然大放厥词,活像是在对他的徒子徒孙训话,真是一大奇观,好不滑稽。

5.they gaped upon me with their mouths , as a ravening and a roaring lion.他们向我大大地张嘴,像抓撕吼叫的狮子。

6.he gaped at them for a moment , then swayed and sat down.他张口结舌地瞧了他们一会儿,然后摇晃着身子坐下。

7.The blood had already been washed off the body, and her wounds gaped in purplishrents on the gray canvas of skin.身体上的血迹已经被清洗干净,伤口略微泛紫,像是灰色画布上撕开的裂缝。

8.The children gaped within the main elephould like in the zoo.在植物园,孩子们张大了嘴巴呆呆地看着大象。

9.It was in May. The sultry noon seemed endlessly long. The dry earth gaped with this t in the heat.那是在五月里。闷热的中午似乎无尽地悠长。热浪中,干燥的大地干渴地打着哈欠。

10.The children gaped at the big elephant in the zoo .在动物园,孩子们张大了嘴巴呆呆地看着大象。