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garden fence是什么意思_怎么读

garden fence

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1.花园围栏 保护栅栏 Protecting Fence 花园围栏 Garden Fence 草原围栏 Grassland f…

2.花架 花园门 Garden Gate 花架 Garden Fence 关于我们 About Us ...

3.花园篱笆 ... * look like: 看上去就像 * garden fence: 花园篱笆 * forget it: 得了, 算了, 口语里经常使用. ...

4.护栏 浴室架/ shower caddy 园林篱笆/ garden fence 冷柜篮/ freezer basket ...

7.花园围栏网 ... 三角护栏网 Triangle fence 花园围栏网 Garden fence 边坡防护网 SNS sideslope fenc…


1.She had a good gossip with a neighbor over the garden fence.她隔着花园篱笆和邻居聊了很久。

2.Mary talked with me across the garden fence.玛丽和我隔着花园篱笆交谈。

3.The RSPCA is trying to trace the owner of a cat which was dyed pink and then thrown over a garden fence in Swindon.可怜滴小猫咪被染成粉红色,然后丢弃在史云顿的一个公园栅栏里。

4.He stopped looking for insects and went to the pond at the end of the garden fence.他不再找寻昆虫,而走到花园篱笆尽头的池塘那里。

5.The RSPCA have criticised a "sick prank" in which a cat had its fur dyed pink and was then thrown over a garden fence in Swindon.一小猫全身被染成了粉色,之后被遗弃在斯温顿地区某花园里,皇家防止虐待动物协会严厉谴责这一“变态恶作剧”行为。

6.Two women talking over the garden fence .两个女人在花园篱笆交谈。

7.He saw a figure near the garden fence in the moonlight.月光下他看见花园栅栏边有一个人影。

8.He peered over the garden fence past the lilac bushes, and politely asked, "What kind of treehouse are you building? "他的视线穿过丁香树从的篱笆像四周扫视了,然后很有礼貌的问我,你要建造怎样的树屋呢?

9.In other words, this is a private garden fence at its division, with the attributes of property rights in land outside the fence.换而言之,这样的私家花园只是用栅栏将其分割一下,在产权属性上与栅栏外的土地一样。

10.Industry: Advertising lights; Aviation obstruction light; Landscape; Courtyard; Decorative lighting technology; Garden Fence;所属行业:广告灯具;航空障碍灯;景观灯;庭院灯;工艺装饰灯具;园艺护栏;;