Garden of Eden
美式发音: 英式发音:na.没有罪恶的圣洁之地
garden of eden— see alsoEdenna.1.(《圣经》中所说亚当和夏娃所住的)伊甸园,没有罪恶的圣洁之地
1.伊甸园侵蚀圆丘,和隐秘的有着永久水潭和富饶植被的峡谷——伊甸园花园(Garden of Eden)。
4.伊甸花园:人类始祖亚当(Adam)和夏娃(Eve) 被上帝逐出伊甸园(Garden of Eden)后,先后生了两个儿子该隐(Cain)和亚伯…
6.在伊甸园里人——夏娃(Eve),亚当和夏娃从此无忧无虑地生活在伊甸园里(Garden of Eden),后来夏娃禁不住化身为蛇(serpent)的 …
7.伊甸的花园 Pitch Black 电影中出现的太空船 Garden of Eden 伊甸的花园 Alpaca 草泥马 ...
造句带翻译释义:,没有罪恶的圣洁之地,伊甸园,在伊甸园,伊甸园花园1.The biblical story says Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. I would like to tell you: they have never been expelled.圣经故事说亚当和夏娃被赶出了伊甸园。我想告诉你:“他们从没有被赶走过。”
2.Mr. Darrow--And for that reason, every woman has childbirth pains is because Eve tempted Adam in the Garden of Eden?基于这个原因,每一个女人所受的生育之苦都是因为夏娃在伊甸园里诱惑了亚当?
3.Mortal past, the heart and heart is a red silk thread distance, and you my love is like the Garden of Eden Lane Encounter!红尘过往,心和心只是一根红丝线距离,而你我的爱就像是伊甸园里的邂逅!
4.Since Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, is there anyone who does not, in some way, feel like an exile?自从亚当夏娃离开了伊甸园,有没有人,不管以何种方式,不觉得自己在流浪?
5.THen the lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it.神讲那人安置在伊甸园,让他照料看守这园子。
6.God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden with body half naked and hair dishevelled and they began to multiply descendants.亚当和夏娃半裸着身子,披头散发地被上帝赶出了伊甸园、开始繁衍后代。
7.So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.耶和华上帝便打发他出伊甸园去,耕种他所自出之土。
8.and a shape of simple loveliness, like a tear-drop or a pear, or that first forbidden fruit hanging low in the Garden of Eden.形状象泪滴或梨子,或伊甸园里第一颗低垂的禁果,质朴而美丽。
9.Herefordshire at this time of year feels like the garden of Eden.每年的这个时节,赫里福德郡就好像伊甸园一般。
10.The last humans on Earth may have survived an ice age by retreating to a small patch of land nicknamed 'the garden of Eden'.地球上最后的人类或许避险于俗称为‘伊甸园’的一小片陆地,才得以度过冰河时代生存下来。