美式发音: [ˈɡɑrnər] 英式发音: [ˈɡɑː(r)nə(r)]n.加纳;〈诗〉谷仓;蓄积
网络释义:赢得第三人称单数:garners 现在分词:garnering 过去式:garnered 搭配同义词反义词
v.+n.Garner rating
v.gather,bring in,save,lay down,store
v.1.〈诗〉贮藏,积累2.〈美口〉得...分[票] collect or obtain a large amount of something useful or important
1.赢得 Tip-off 暗示 Garnering 赢得 aquaculturists 水产养殖 ...
造句带翻译释义:,加纳,〈诗〉谷仓,蓄积,积累,〈美口〉得…分[票],赢得1.Advisors urged her to attract investors with a for-profit plan and wait to help the developing world until after garnering big earnings.顾问们怂恿她说,用盈利性计划吸引投资者,等赚了大钱后再去帮助发展中国家也不迟。
2.It had been closed for 60 years and the first Dada child project was partly aimed at garnering publicity for it reopening.这个地方已经被关闭60年了,为了重新开放,第一个达达宝宝项目在一定程度上吸引了公众的注意力。
3.New York tends to vote Democratic, so you will perhaps assume that garnering this popularity was a cinch.纽约人往往会把票投给民主党候选人,所以你也许会想,她在纽约州获得广泛支持并非难事。
4.She was a rousing speaker, garnering crowd support for McCain along the campaign trail.她是个活跃的发言人,竞选活动中一直极力支持麦凯恩。
5.This made them even more famous, garnering millions of young fans throughout the United States and the rest of the world.Menudo也借此更加声名远播,甚至在美国和世界其他地方都拥有了成千上万的粉丝。
6.Mr. Museveni's rap plays on radio stations in Uganda, with his video garnering tens of thousands of views on YouTube in a single day.穆塞韦尼的说唱作品在乌干达的广播电台播放,他的音乐视频在YouTube上一天之内就获得了数万点击率。
7.Huawei, the world's second-largest supplier of telecom and Internet gear, has little trouble garnering business around the globe.华为公司(Huawei)是世界第二大电信与互联网设备制造商,公司在全球的业务开展得非常顺利。
8.Jiro, you were garnering popularity as an actor and model. Why did you decide to join Fahrenheit ?东城,你的知名度是从当演员和模特儿的时候就累计起来了。那你为什么还是选择加入飞轮海呢?
9.In the next article, I'll demonstrate an old technology that is garnering fresh, new interest thanks to Groovy's flexible syntax: Swing.在下一期文章中,我将演示一个得益于Groovy的灵活语法Swing而重新焕发生机的旧有技术。
10.Within the realm of environmental studies, perhaps the topic garnering the most attention is global warming.在环境学习领域里,全球变暖或许是最引人关注的话题。