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网络释义:绞喉;绞刑具;锁喉过去式:garroted  过去式:garrotted  现在分词:garroting  现在分词:garrotting  





na.1.The variant of garrotte

1.绞喉 garrison 卫戍部队 garrote 绞刑具 ... 上海警备区 Shanghai Garrison ... ...

3.锁喉 ... 主手武器伤害+98 物理 — 刺骨 Eviscerate 10 185× 连击点数+投掷武器伤害+81~103 物理 — 锁喉 Garro

4.加罗特 proscription 1. 剥夺公权;放逐 garrote 2. 加罗特 electrocution 2. 触电死亡 ...

5.绞杀 踢击 Kick 绞杀 Garrote 卸甲 Expose Armor ...

6.西班牙的绞刑具 ... 3. Gulley; 格利(男子名) 1. garrote西班牙的绞刑具 2. Gaston College; 加斯顿学院 ...

7.卷曲缠绕 ... 利钳 Scissors 卷曲缠绕 Garrote 舌 Tongue ...


1.It had taken all his strength to keep her pinned down and let the garrote do its job.制服她就费劲了他的所有力气,后面就由绳索完成任务了。

2.Some versions of the garrote incorporated a metal bolt which pressed in to the spinal chord, breaking the neck.也有些版本的绞喉椅上装有金属螺栓,在执刑过程中会压进脊椎骨,折断颈椎。

3.Activating Shadow Dance on the first use, while in Shadow Dance you're casting Garrote with Premeditation. Saves a key bind for Garrote.第一次启动影舞后,在影舞下使用预谋锁喉宏,可以给你给你剩下一个锁喉的键位。

4.Improved Garrotes damage reduction will be removed. This is being changed as part of an overall improvement for Garrote .强化绞喉的伤害减少被取消,这个改变将全面提升绞喉。

5.Recommended abilities: Garrote, Cheap Shot and Ambush.推荐把其制成锁喉,偷袭和伏击宏。

6.This is being changed as part of an overall improvement for Garrote.此天赋被修改为一个全面强化搅喉的天赋。

7.Defeat the Deathbringer with fewer than X raid members suffering from Garrote in 10-player mode.10人模式下,在团队成员少于X个人受到绞喉效果前,击败死亡携带者。

8.The garrote is a device that strangles a person to death.绞喉是一个可以把人拧死的装置。

9.Glyph - Garrote 01 (Rogue): Increases periodic damage dealt by Garrrote by 45%, but decreases the duration by 3 sec.铭文-绞喉,提升绞喉的伤害总量45%,但是减少持续时间3秒。

10.Garrote now costs 45 Energy, down from 50.绞喉现在消耗的能量值从50点降低到45点。