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gas chamber

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网络释义:死刑毒气室;煤气柜;气腔复数:gas chambers  


gas chambern.

1.毒气室(用于毒死动物或人)a room that can be filled with poisonous gas for killing animals or people


n.1.a building or room where officials kill prisoners by filling the air with poison gas

1.毒气室 garnish 扣押钱财 gas chamber 毒气室 genocide 种族灭绝 ...

2.死刑毒气室 ... second chamber (两院制的)上(议)院 gas chamber 1. 死刑毒气室 chamber music …

3.煤气柜 ... 高校基建工程 construction work of university 煤气柜 gas chamber 交响乐之父 great master of symphony ...

4.气腔 ... gas quench 气冷淬火 gas chamber (燃料元件)气室,气腔* gas corrosion 气体腐蚀 ...

5.毒气死刑唯一刑罚是毒气死刑gas chamber)!   。。。。。。

6.毒气间既然是实验室,就一定要有闲人免进的“毒气间”(Gas Chamber)和“萃取间”(Extraction Chamber),这两个听起来很有趣的 …

7.毒气室和焚尸炉    毒气室和焚尸炉(GAS CHAMBER),始建于1941年秋天。希希希望特勒1犹太人是有计划的,当时欧洲的犹太人有1100万名, …


1.Would she have sent me to the gas chamber if she hadn`t been able to leave me, but wanted to get rid of me?如果她没法离开我却又想把我一脚踢开的话,也会把我送到毒气室里去吗?

2.A shoulder sprayer comprises a box body, a gas chamber, a pump, a link rod, a rocker, a crank and a spray tube with a suction pipe.一种背负式喷雾器,由箱体、气室、唧筒、连杆、摇杆、曲柄、带吸水管的喷管组成。

3.And with most products appearing not to have been designed for indoor use, this is actually a vertical gas chamber.并由于大部分产品显然不是设计供室内使用,这实质上是一个垂直的毒气室。

4.The gas chamber at Auschwitz I was rebuilt after the war as a memorial, but without a door in its doorway.毒气室在奥斯威辛我是在战后重建作为纪念,但没有门在其门口。

5.As it is, of course, in his own sketchy paintings, where laden titles such as "Gas Chamber" explain elusive or banal images.在他的画中,像《毒气室》(GasChamber)这样沉重的标题说明了难以琢磨或陈旧的图象。

6.For the man in charge of Auschwitz, the gas chamber was a welcome innovation.对于奥斯威辛的负责人来说,毒气室是一个受欢迎的革新。

7.volume of the appended gas chamber and diameter of the throttle hole are main factors affecting the dynamics of air springs.空气弹簧气囊外形及材料特性、附加气室容积和节流孔直径是影响空气弹簧性能的主要因素。

8.The upper is communicated with the gas chamber and the lower is linked with the rocker through the crank.上端与气室相连,下端通过曲柄与摇杆相连。

9.The tilting reason of piston in gas chamber is analyzed, and the measurement to be taken is discussed.对造成煤气柜活塞倾斜的原因进行了分析,论述了应采取的措施。

10.From paolo to chelie , from behead to today's electric chair and gas chamber, the form of death penalty changed a lot.从惨绝人寰的炮烙到近乎变态的车裂,从近乎野蛮的斩首到现代社会的电椅毒气,死刑的形式一直在不断地变迁着。