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1.笨拙的;不善社交的;不老练的awkward when dealing with people and often saying or doing the wrong thing

a gauche schoolgirl/manner不善社交的女生;笨拙的举止


adj.1.behaving in an awkward or inappropriate way in a social situation

1.笨拙的 gamete 生殖细胞 gauche 笨拙的 hegemony 霸权 ...

2.不会社交的 gather 推测,推断 gauche 笨拙的,不会社交的 gaucherie 笨拙 ...

3.粗鲁的 flee 逃跑 -飞离 gauche 粗鲁的 -狗屎 morbid 病态 -毛病 ...

4.不善交际的 cause 原因 gauche 不善交际的 say 说 ...


1."He bought his own furniture, " is a posh British sneer for anyone gauche enough to have earned his money.“他竟然自己买家具”是英国非常时髦的嘲讽话,讽刺那些蠢到要自己去赚钱的人。

2.He said one philanthropist felt that slapping her name on a large gift during times of crisis would seem 'unseemly and gauche. '他说一位慈善家在危机时刻把她的名字贴在一个大礼物上看起来不体面和愚蠢的。

3.This year sees the second national attempt to drum into citizens that being punctual is not gauche but a social grace .今年我国再次尝试把守时的概念灌输给国民,让他们知道守时并不是粗鲁的行为,而是社交上的优雅作风。

4.To stay forever Even after many years, it is like leafing gauche, as if never change at the stare at you.哪怕多年以后翻看,它还是如同当初那般,仿佛从未改变的凝视着你。

5.In 2002, one Beijing newspaper even sponsored a campaign to drive home the point that going shirtless was gauche.2002年,一家北京报纸甚至赞助一项比赛,意在指出裸着上身开车回家很粗鲁。

6.The French word, "gauche, " can also mean a person who does not know how to act socially.法语的“左”字还可以用来形容一个人不懂社交。

7.too gauche to leave the room when the conversation became intimate.过于笨拙以致在谈话变得过于密切时无法离开房间。

8.The Democrat MP was not seen doing anything as gauche, though the affair has left a nasty whiff.尽管该事件留下了一点不良影响,但是民主党议员并不愚笨,没有任何把柄被抓住。

9.Chucklehead: stupid, gauche person; a blockhead.愚蠢、笨拙的人;傻瓜。

10.fighting beneath the mistletoe? how unfeminine. . how unromantic. . how gauche!在槲寄生下面战斗吗?怎样不适合女性,怎样不浪漫,怎样不善交际!