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网络释义:集会;收款;配页复数:gatherings  同义词




1.[c]聚集;聚会;集会a meeting of people for a particular purpose

a social/family gathering社交╱家庭聚会

a gathering of religious leaders宗教领袖的集会

2.[u]收集;采集;搜集the process of collecting sth

methods of information gathering信息采集的各种方法



n.1.a group of people meeting together2.the process or activity of collecting information

adj.1.gradually increasing

v.1.The present participle of gather

1.聚集 dependency n. 从属;依赖 gathering n. 聚集;集会 advantageous a. 有利的,有助的 ...

2.集会 dependency n. 从属;依赖 gathering n. 聚集;集会 advantageous a. 有利的,有助的 ...

3.聚会 given 如果考略到 gathering 集会,聚会 significance 重要性,重要意义 ...

4.收集 gathering zone 积聚带 gathering 聚集;收集 gatherscatter instruction 集散指令 ...

5.采集 Master 大师 Gathering 采集 Crafting 工艺 ...

6.收款 ancient 远古的, 旧的 gathering 聚集, 收款 anarchism 无政府主义 ...

7.配页 Gateway 网关通道 Gathering 配页 GCR 灰色置换 ...

8.聚会,集会 → gather 聚集,收集;推断 → gathering 聚会,集会;聚集 → altogether 完全,全部地 ...


1.Amid reports of a major political gathering in North Korea, communist history suggests post-Kim moderation is possible.在有关朝鲜重要政权集会的报道中,共产主义的历史显示后金正日时代有可能出现温和路线

2.Groping his way franticly through the gathering gloom, he emerged victorious on the topmost crag.他拚命摆脱阴暗的想法,终于他胜利地登上了最高的悬崖。

3.This bento is often eaten at a gathering like a funeral or a party.人们经常是在葬礼或派对这样的聚会上吃这种便当。

4.He said that the gathering was not considered to be a "peaceful demonstration sanctioned by the constitution. "他还称聚集者的行为并不能被看作是一个“宪法所允许的和平游行”。

5.The clouds are gathering. It looks as if it is going to rain.乌云密布,天看起来像要下雨了。

6.Gathering an ideal team is often a challenge for smaller design groups and organizations with limited FPGA design experience.对于缺乏FPGA设计经验的较小的设计机构和组织来说,组建一支理想的团队经常是个挑战。

7.Soon she began to do espionage work, binding up her hair like a married woman, entering the town and gathering information.不久又分派她搞侦察工作,她把头发盘在脑后梳成髻,化装成家庭妇女模样,经常出入镇内收集情报。

8.After a year, all of them receive an invitation card from Ken about going to his mansion for a gathering.一年后众人分别接到勤的请柬,内容是邀请大家到别墅再次聚旧。

9.After an hour of gathering his courage, he approached her and asked, "Would you mind if I chatted with you for a while? "经过了一个小时的鼓足勇气,他走近该女士然后问道:“你是否介意我与你聊一会儿?”

10.This account of the gathering threats to American military and economic supremacy is a bit like a fairground mirror.这本关于美国军事和经济霸权正渐渐受到威胁的书颇似一面游乐场的哈哈镜。