美式发音: [ɡeɪ] 英式发音: [ɡeɪ]adj.同性恋的;与同性恋者有关的;没吸引力;愉快的
网络释义:同志;男同性恋;男同志比较级:gayer 最高级:gayest 复数:gays
gay显示所有例句adj.— see alsogaiety,gaily1.同性恋的sexually attracted to people of the same sex
gay men同性恋的男人
I didn't know he was gay.我不知道他是同性恋者。
Is she gay?她是同性恋者吗?
2.[obn]与同性恋者有关的connected with people who are gay
a gay club/bar同性恋者俱乐部╱酒吧
the lesbian and gay community男女同性恋者群落
3.[nbn](尤为年轻人用语)无聊,不时尚,没吸引力(used especially by young people) boring and not fashionable or attractive
She didn't like the ringtone─said it was gay.她不喜欢那个手机铃声,说它不时尚。
That is so gay!那太无聊了!
4.愉快的;快乐的;充满乐趣的happy and full of fun
gay laughter欢快的笑声
5.鲜艳的;艳丽的brightly coloured
The garden was gay with red geraniums.花园里红色的天竺葵花色彩艳丽。
IDMwith gay abandon不考虑后果;轻率without thinking about the results or effects of a particular actionn.1.同性恋者(尤指男性)a person who is homosexual , especially a man
adj.1.sexually attracted to people of the same sex. This word is mainly used about men.2.brightly-colored or attractive3.happy and excited
n.1.someone who is sexually attracted to people of the same sex. This word is mainly used about men.
1.同志.) 当前位置: 太原同志(gay) (同志群6443....) 同 …
2.同性恋 9. Fashion( 时尚) 10. Gay( 同性恋) 2. Touch base( 联系,联络, 碰) ...
5.男同性恋者文化认知出了问题?还是家庭教育的变相发展?基因(XQ28)的巧合?还是....?还 …
6.快乐的 贫穷的 poor 快乐的 gay 悲哀的 sad ...
造句带翻译释义:,同性恋的,与同性恋者有关的,没吸引力,愉快的,同性恋者,同志,男同性恋,男同志1.The daily newspaper there recently omitted the name of the partner of a deceased gay man in its free obituary notice.最近当地的一家日报社从它的免费讣告中删去了一个同性恋死者伴侣的名字。
2.She had been a gay young girl, but by this time had lost her high spirits.她曾是一个快乐的小姑娘,但此时却失去了往日的勃勃生机。
3."Gay voice" , for the purpose of this post, is the kind of voice other people will perceive as making the speaker more likely to be gay.“同志声线”,对于这篇帖子来说,即人们认为会使讲话者听起来更像同志的一种声音。
4.The gay community was full of men like me: boys still desperately seeking to crack the code of real manliness.gay圈里面充满我这样的,男孩渴望找到真实的男人特质。
5.She told me how much she loved me and made it clear she and my dad would have no problem if I turned out to be gay.她告诉我她有多么爱我,并且让我明白,无论最后我是否成为同性恋,她和老爸都不会有任何异议。
6.Eight men were competing for the title and a place in the Worldwide Mr Gay pageant, to be held next month in Oslo, Norway.八位选手将要竞争一个席位,来参加下课月在挪威奥斯陆举行的世界同性恋先生选美比赛。
7.Backers of a similar amendment that would forbid gay marriage in Florida appear to be ahead in the polls as well.对于类似修正案的支持者可能在佛罗里达州更早禁止同性恋婚姻。
8.But gay and bisexual men only to ensure that at least 12 months there has not been same-sex sexual relations are allowed to donate blood.但男同性恋和双性恋男子只有确保在至少12个月内没有发生过同性性关系,才被允许献血。
9.They said Italy would be a more civilized country if it gives rights to unmarried and gay couples.他们表示如果意大利能够给与未婚与同性爱者配偶以更大的权利,它将成为一个更加文明的国度。
10.He was being real friendly. And, I think he was coming on to me. I think he might have thought I was gay.他真的很友好,我觉得他是有意冲我来的。我想他认为我是Gay。