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1.同性恋the state of being homosexual

1.受虐的所谓同性恋美学却又力图宣扬一种跟主流社会价值观念格格不入的施虐/受虐的所谓同性恋美学gayness),自我设限,划地为牢,因而始 …

2.愉快 削瘦 gaunthness 愉快 gayness 极冷 gelidityp ...

3.同性恋爱 gayly 快乐地;华美地 gayness 同性恋爱 And,yes,we know that some of them are gay. 的确,我们知道,其中有一些人是同 …

4.条女泥界的同志们虽然被诅咒但至少不是「外来者」,但韩国人总认为同志gayness)是西方生活的一种方式,复杂的民族情绪和 …

6.受虐的所谓异性恋美学却又力图宣扬一种跟主流社会价值观念不分彼此的施虐/受虐的所谓异性恋美学gayness),自我设限,划地为牢,因此不 …


1.In What Everyone Should Know About Homosexuality, LaHaye employs Galen's theory of the four humors to help explain gayness.在《人人都应了解同性恋》中,拉哈伊应用了加伦四个幽默理论来帮助分析同性行为。

2."From the start I've tried to write books which began from a presumption of the gayness of the narrative position, " says Hollinghurst.“从一开始,我便试着自落笔起就用一种同性恋者的叙述角度进行小说创作。”霍林赫斯特如是说道。

3.Alan Hollinghurst: "I've tried to write books which began from a presumption of the gayness of the narrative position. "阿兰·霍林赫斯特(AlanHollinghurst):“从一开始,我就一直在尝试用一种同性恋的视角来写小说。”

4.Increasingly many Americans see nothing wrong, and in fact something cool and fun, in gayness, literal and metaphorical.越来越多的美国人认为同性恋结婚没有错,字面意思和比喻意思都很酷、很有趣。

5."For many people it's not, " she conceded, but added that they "don't get to define my gayness for me. "她承认“对于很多人来说并不是这样的”,但也补充道,他们“还没开始定义我这种同性恋。”

6.On the other hand, if you then develop a sense of identity based on your gayness, you have escaped one trap only to fall into another.另一方面,随后如果你根据你的”同性恋“情况而发展出了一个身份感,那么你逃离了“狼窝”后又进入了“虎穴”。