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造句带翻译释义:,掴客网,高客,高客传媒1.At Gawker, it is not uncommon for editors to stay on the job for just a year.在高科,编辑仅仅在职一年是很常见的。
2.Neither did print-industry gossip, which had been Gawker's original staple.印刷业的流言蜚语也做不到这一点,之前Gawker可是相当倚重于它。
3.The media pickup from Fast Company, Gawker, the Washington Post and Wired, among other outlets, definitely helped as well.当然快公司,掴客网,华盛顿邮报和有线杂志,以及其他的媒体也帮了很大的忙。
4.The best example is Gawker Media, a stable of blogs that includes Gawker, a New York gossip site, and Gizmodo, a blog devoted to gadgets.Gawker媒体公司就是这类博客的典型代表,它又分为八卦网站Gawker和新奇小玩意博客Gizmodo两部分。
5."Sometimes one sees writers just standing before it, like early hominids in front of a monolith, " said Nick Denton, Gawker Media's founder.“有时有人会注意到作者们只是站在它面前,犹如原始人类站在巨石前一样,”高科传媒的创始人尼克.丹顿说。
6.That site can no longer be accessed on the Web, but Palin's e-mails and photographs are still available online at gawker. com.现在这个站点已经不能进入,但是佩林的邮件和照片依然可以在gawker网址被屏蔽看见。
7.On the Gawker website there is an e-mail apparently sent by Soden on Good Friday instructing staff to come to work.在Gawker网站上,有一封很显然是佐登在耶稣受难节当天发出的电子邮件,部署员工回来上班。
8.Gawker Media Chief Operating Officer Gaby Darbyshire declined further comment.GawkerMedia首席运营长戴比夏尔(GabyDarbyshire)拒绝进一步发表评论。
9.asked Gawker, a Web site that does not often ask questions about astrobiology.Gawker问道,Gawker是一家网站,它并不经常对宇宙生命科学产生质疑。
10.When they later apologized, they posted "The Best Stocks for 2008, " which, as Gawker points out, included. . . Merrill Lynch.而在他们刊出“2008年最佳股票”中,美林赫然在列。