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geared up是gear up的过去式

gear up

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na.1.to prepare yourself, or to prepare something for an activity or event

1.连接 priority 优先 geared up 连接 masculine 像男人的 ...


1.I was all geared up to have an argument over this issue with her.我已作好了与她辩论这个问题的准备。

2.The party is all geared up for the forthcoming election campaign.该党为即将来临的竞选活动做好了准备。

3.Fleischer said he wanted to leave the hard-driving job before Bush's re - election campaign geared up.弗莱舍说他想在布什总统开始新一轮总统竞选开始之前离开这一艰难的工作岗位。

4.The resulting profits represent a relatively hidden form of support for banks, and Wall Street has geared up to take advantage.由此获得的利润,为银行提供了某种相对隐性的支撑,华尔街因此做好准备充分利用这种机会。

5.I was all geared up to go on holiday, and now it's cancelled.我兴致勃勃地做好去度假的准备,可是现在吹了。

6.The party is all geared up for the primary election that is just getting started.该政党已为即将到来的初选作好了充分准备。

7."I think everyone was geared up to get off to a good start after the bad ones we've had in the previous couple of seasons, " says Giggs.“我想每一个人都不想重复我们前几个赛季初糟糕的表现,所以为了有一个良好的开局我们齐心协力。”吉格斯说到。

8.A more mature T-Mac is getting geared up for this year's playoff series with a different mindset.一个更加成熟的T-MAC正在以一种不同的思想态度来为这个季后赛打气。

9.The plans called for a monstrous sign, the glowing sort more suitable for the highway, and the neighborhood had geared up for a fight.计划还包括要弄一块巨大的广告牌,这种发光的劳么子更适合高速公路这种发光的劳么子更适合高速公里,邻里们都已经准备好要干仗了。

10.Hit up the comments and start getting geared up for the regular season so we can see how all this plays out.请点击评论并开始准备常规赛吧,这样我们就能看到所有这些球员登场了。