美式发音: [ɡɪˈhɛnə] 英式发音: [ɡiˈhenə]n.(耶路撒冷附近的)欣嫩子谷;地狱;焦热地狱
n.1.(耶路撒冷附近的)欣嫩子谷 (Hinnom);地狱;焦热地狱
1.地狱 10.GracE【 法语,慈悲】 16.gEHENNa【 圣经中的地狱】 19.oblivion- · Male · Expiation · Nightmare【 忘却.男子.赎罪.噩 …
6.都灭在地狱 l 〈太10:28〉:“那杀身体不能杀灵魂的,不要怕他们;惟有能把身体和灵魂都灭在地狱(gehenna)里的,正要怕祂。” l 〈太2…
7.杰赫纳据文兴的考证,犹太人和基督徒心目中的地狱,其原型是耶路撒冷正南方的一个叫“杰赫纳”(Gehenna)的河谷,该河谷通常被用 …
8.地狱火湖所以,既然阴间(Hades)现在的温度是摄氏6,648度,这温度比太阳的表面还要热,那麽地狱火湖(Gehenna)的温度只会更热,而 …
造句带翻译释义:,欣嫩子谷,地狱,焦热地狱,焦炎地狱,圣经中的地狱,都灭在地狱 is better for you to enter into life with one eye than to have two eyes and be cast into the Gehenna of fire.你只有一只眼进入生命,比有两只眼被扔在火坑里更好。 is better for you to enter into life maimed than to have two hands and go away into Gehenna , into unquenchable fire.你残废进入生命,比有两只手往火坑去,进入那不灭的火里更好。
3.It would be improper for a man to think that sinners in Gehenna are deprived of the love of God.若有人以为在地狱里的罪人被剥夺了上帝的爱,这是错误的想法。
4.But I will show you whom you should fear: fear Him who, after killing, has authority to cast into Gehenna; yes, I tell you, fear this One.我要指示你们当怕的是谁;当怕那杀了以后,又有权柄扔在火坑里的;我实在告诉你们,正要怕他。
5.A damned soul, who, in the midst of the furnace, should suddenly perceive the outlet of Gehenna , would experience what Jean Valjean felt.一个堕入地狱的灵魂,在烈火熊熊的炉中,忽然见到地狱的出口,这就是冉阿让的感受。
6.Thus I say that this is the torment of Gehenna: bitter regret.因此,我说这就是地狱的痛苦:深深的悔恨。
7.Strong Griffin forces block all the major roads between us and the city of Gehenna .顽固的狮鹫大军封锁了所有通往吉赫纳的道路。
8.Aside from material on Gehenna and heaven and the nature of evil, the text is full of stories and accounts of angels.文献除了地狱与天堂,邪恶的本性之外,还充满了故事和天使的帐目。
9.Serpents! Brood of vipers! How shall you escape the judgment of Gehenna?蛇类,毒蛇之种,你们怎能逃避火坑的审判?
10.but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna .唯要怕那能把魂和身体都灭在火坑里的。