美式发音: [dʒel] 英式发音: [dʒel]v.联手共事;结为一体;变得更清楚;显得更明确
网络释义:凝胶;胶体;胶状(gelatiniform)复数:gels 过去式:gelled 现在分词:gelling 同义词反义词
v.come together,take shape,congeal,thicken,get along
gel显示所有例句n.1.[u][c]凝胶,冻胶,胶滞体(尤指用于头发或护肤的产品)a thick substance like jelly, especially one used in products for the hair or skin
hair/shower gel发胶;沐浴露
v.1.[i]联手共事;结为一体to work well together; to form a successful group
We just didn't gel as a group.我们就是不能成为一个集体。
2.[i]变得更清楚;显得更明确;有效;起作用to become clearer and more definite; to work well
Ideas were beginning to gel in my mind.各种想法在我头脑里逐渐明朗起来。
That day, everything gelled.那天,一切都很顺利。
3.[i]胶凝;胶化;形成胶体to become thicker and more solid; to form a gel
4.[t][usupass]~ sth上发胶to put gel on your hair
n.1.a sticky substance that is used in products for the hair and skin2.a thin piece of colored plastic that is put over a light to create a special effect in the theater or in a movie
v.1.when a group gels, the people in it start to form a good relationship with each other or start working together effectively2.if a thought or idea gels, it becomes clearer or more definite3.if a substance gels, it becomes thicker or more put hair gel onto your hair1.when a group gels, the people in it start to form a good relationship with each other or start working together effectively2.if a thought or idea gels, it becomes clearer or more definite3.if a substance gels, it becomes thicker or more put hair gel onto your hair
1.凝胶EL)电池和玻璃纤维(AGM)电池性能对比表项 目胶体(GEL)电池玻璃纤维(AGM)电池电解液固定方式电解液注入时为 …
3.胶状(gelatiniform) toner( 化妆水) gel( 胶状) gentle( 温和的) ...
4.凝胶体 ester 酯 gel 凝胶体 analysis 分解 ...
5.胶(gelatin) gear n. 齿轮,传动装置 v.开动 gel n. 凝胶(体);冻胶 gelatin n. 明胶;动物胶;果子冻 ...
7.发胶 洗发精: shampoo 发胶: gel 定型液: hair spary ...
8.胶化 室温固化 cold curing 胶化 gel 层压 laminating ...
造句带翻译释义:,联手共事,结为一体,变得更清楚,显得更明确,胶滞体,凝胶,胶体1.The child gel is a new Chinese medicine preparation, which can resolve the children's difficulty when taking medicine.儿童口服型凝胶剂是针对儿童服药难的问题研发的一种中药创新剂型。
2.GNC Aloe Vera skin gel came too, it was out of stock for a while. This time, we ordered enough when it is available again.GNC芦荟胶也来了~这个曾经一度断货。现在,当它一来货,我们就定到了足够多的数量。
3.Results Xingnaojing injection did not interfere with its gel reaction to the bacterial endotoxin when it was diluted 10-fold.结果醒脑静注射液经10倍稀释时不干扰鲎试剂与细菌内毒素的凝胶反应。
4.I was running with a group on some trails, and I thought I was being very careful when I pulled a gel out of my pocket.我与一群人在跑道上赛跑,而且我正认为自己办事仔细时我从口袋里掏出一管发胶。 was a calm in the tree, its roots deep headlong into the soil, despite the wind and rain, proud of the cold welcome Cream Gel.那是一棵沉稳的大树,它的根深深扎进土壤之中,任凭雨打风吹,傲迎冷霜凝露。
6.with regard to metal material, the head-face model can be manufactured into a silica gel model to be cast.对金属材料,则可以将头脸部模型制作成硅胶模,然后进行铸造。
7.Over 90 per cent of the women involved said they would use such a gel if it were found to be effective against HIV.超过90%参与试验的妇女表示,如果这种凝胶被证明对艾滋病病毒有效,她们愿意使用它。
8.Sheldon: As if one of the plants from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" duplicated you in every way, only with an absurd amount of hair gel.谢尔顿:你就好像电影“天外魔花”(好莱坞恐怖片)里面那个植物的完全复制版,只是它没涂那么多发胶。
9.He shows up in foreign countries in odd dress, with odd make-up and hair-gel preferences, once having pinned a photograph to his chest.他在海外现身时常常身着异装,怪模怪样,喜欢用发胶,有一次还把一张照片别在胸口。
10.Some of the mummies, which were artificially preserved, show the gel was used to prepare the body for the afterlife.一些人工保存的木乃伊表明这些凝胶是为了便于身体在死后得到保存。