gee whiz
美式发音: [ˌdʒi: 'wɪz] 英式发音: [ˌdʒi: 'wɪz]na.哎呀
gee whiz— see alsogeena.1.哎呀
int.1网站屏蔽ed for expressing a reaction such as surprise or admiration
1.哎呀 □ Wow! 哇! □ Gee whiz! 哎呀! □ It's a wonder! 真是奇迹! ...
2.惊叹天啊称新闻是「让『人』谈论的东西,……【或】让『读者』惊叹天啊(Gee whiz)的东西(添加语句出自本文作者,双引号出 …
3.十分厉害 gear 行李 gee whiz 十分厉害 get bent out of shape 十分生气 ...
4.在这句话中怎么翻译 ... 女更衣室 Female changing room • gee whiz 在这句话中怎么翻译? changeroom/dressing room for men 男更衣室 ...
5.令人惊叹Thomas)之女卡拉(Carla)的首支热门曲“基威兹”(Gee Whiz)一起,在1961年打入榜上前10名,为斯塔克斯公司铺平了道路。
8.唉呀桑德直到上了幼稚园被其他小朋友嘲笑,才知道G是「唉呀」(gee whiz) 的简称,也发现不论对妈妈…或是对任何人而言,G都 …
造句带翻译释义:,哎呀,惊叹天啊,十分厉害,在这句话中怎么翻译1.What good is all this gee-whiz technology if there's no one in the room to hear you exclaim, "Gee whiz" ?如果在房间里没有人听到你在激动地惊叫,那么这些惊人的技术又有什么用呢?
2.The better detector of how hard you're working is not the newest, gee-whiz tech device, but your own body.更好的监测你锻炼强度的探测器是你的身体本身,而非最新的高端技术设备。
3.But once that "gee whiz" early adopter fades, the service has to be useful on a daily basis for mass markets.一旦早期新奇的追随者热情消失(oncethat“geewhiz”earlyadopterfades,),对于大众市场,则要求每天的服务必须有用。
4.Lurrent advances in home automation offer homeowners convenience. security energy, savings and a lot of gee-whiz 1 technology.日新月异的家庭自动化为我们提供了便利、安全、节能的手段以及许多令人惊奇的技术。
5.The best part is that these gee-whiz features are part of a generally terrific camera.最棒的地方是,除了这些炫酷技术外,还保留了一些原有的特点。
6.It is smoother and quieter than a Cadillac, plus in-dash screens add the gee-whiz element of revealing the car's inner workings.它比凯迪拉克更平滑、更安静,而且仪表盘上的屏幕还添加了令人热血沸腾的车辆内部工作状态的显示。
7.I don't see fun as a driver for Research beyond a gee whiz phase.我不把娱乐看作研究超越新奇惊叹阶段的推动力。
8.You say, 'Well, gee whiz, why don't you just lay people off? '你说,‘那么,哎,你为什么不索性裁员呢?
9.I can make you mine, taste your lips of wine anytime, night or day. Only trouble is, gee whiz, Im dreaming my life away.我能让妳完全属于我,不论白昼或夜晚,都能亲吻妳那醉人的双唇。唯一的困扰是,天啊,我的一生就在做白日梦中消逝。
10.Gee whiz! Can't you do anything by yourself?天啊!你难道自己一点事都不会做?