美式发音: [ˈdʒemɪˌnaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈdʒemɪnaɪ]n.【天】双子座;双子宫
n.1.【天】双子座;双子宫 of the twelve signs of the zodiac, represented by twins. A Gemini is someone born between May 22 and June 21, believed to be influenced by this sign.
1.双子座 grizzly a . 灰色的 Geminis n. 双子座 genetically adv . 借助于基因技术 ...
2.双生 T^T 学生党 geminis 双生 geminis 双生 4-2 ...
3.凤九 renjian( 心心) geminis( 凤九) mzlxle( 媚之珞) ...
4.亲近有罪 STRIKE( 大罢工) Geminis( 亲近有罪) RED ROAD( 猎男闭路) ...
5.艾雯 ... yhhcy 天才小妖女522 geminis 艾雯-625 shinemint 小美美2012 ...
6.米尼斯8月10日,反对派士兵在杰米尼斯(Geminis)进行训练。Esam Al-Fetori/Reuters 图为8月9日,马加尔(Majar),人们站在28口棺 …
造句带翻译释义:,双子座,双子宫,双生,凤九,亲近有罪1.Geminis establish their relationship between the self and material substance through a balance of opposing thoughts.确立自我与物质之间的关系,通过平衡反物质的想法。
2.Healthwise, this month could be favorable for you, however, some Geminis may face fever or heat related other health elements.健康方面,你会很不错,但是有些双子可能会发烧或者遇到相关的麻烦。
3.But do not worry, Geminis have so much energy they can be everyone's friends.但是别担心,双子座的人精力旺盛,因此他们可以成为每个人的朋友。
4.Sun in Gemini-Mercury in Cancer: The feelings color the thoughts here, and these Geminis are more sensitive, hungry, and domesticated.太阳双子--水星巨蟹:这样的双子的感性世界总是五光十色的,并且相对其他双子座更加敏感,欲求不满及需被驯化的。
5.Later this week some Geminis will also be challenged to implement new business or workplace methods.这周晚些时候,一些双子将被要求去挑战一些新的工作和职场上的新方法。
6.Sun in Gemini-Mercury in Taurus: These Geminis move and talk slower, often have money on their mind, and are more stubborn and sensual.太阳双子---水星金牛:这样的双子动作及言语上都是缓慢的,脑子里总是出现一些对财富的追求,并且他们是相当顽固和极其感性化的动物。
7.Librans, like Geminis, like to switch it up, and keeping a wig in the coiffure repertoire is one way to do that.和双子座一样,你喜欢不断地变换发型。假发就是个不错的选择哦。
8.With their unending fascination for new ideas, Geminis and Sagittarians will never get bored of one another.他们层出不穷的新点子使他们彼此从不会感到厌倦。
9.Geminis enjoy literary events, intellectual events and unique experiences.双子座喜欢文学知性的东西以及独特的体验。
10.Geminis don't just change it up because they like the variety -- it's also fun.双子座喜欢不停地改变不仅因为他们喜欢,而且它能带来快乐。