General Assembly
美式发音: 英式发音:na.联合国大会;(美国的)州议会
n.plenum,meeting,session,plenary session,plenary
n.1.the assembly of the United Nations2.a legislature, especially in one of the U.S. states3.the highest governing body of various Presbyterian churches, or the meeting of such a body
1.联合国大会 Security Council 安全理事会 General Assembly 联合国大会 Secretariat 秘书处 ...
2.会员大会 装饰 decoration 总装 general assembly 工艺总结 summary of technics work ...
5.州议会州议会 (General Assembly) 在原本通过的两年2亿7800万元的预算之外,又在本年度( 2005-2006)对高等教育额外提供6100万 …
6.全体会员大会地方农民协会在1995年时大约有近100个。各地方农民协会组织地方的全体会员大会(General Assembly),选举产生全国代表会 …
7.联合国大会大楼联合国总部维修和翻新工程的第二阶段,重点项目是建成于1952年的有斜面屋顶的“联合国大会大楼”(General Assembly)。 …
造句带翻译释义:,联合国大会,州议会,会员大会,全体大会,总装1.The General Assembly may establish such subsidiary organs as it deems necessary for the performance of its functions.大会得设立其认为于行使职务所必需之辅助机关。
2.Wisely, you made no attempt to have these problems discussed by the General Assembly, believing that they should be dealt with elsewhere.你非常明智,没有试图让大会讨论这些问题,而认为应在其它场合解决。
3.The Delegation said that in all cases, it should be up to the General Assembly to adopt such a recommendation or to decide otherwise.该代表团说,在所有的情况下,都是应该由大会来通过这样一项建议,或作出例外的决定。
4.Following the ICJ verdict, it would go back to the General Assembly and ask for a resolution demanding fresh talks on Kosovo's status.国际法庭的裁决出炉后,它将重新诉诸联合国大会,要求进行新的决议谈判来探讨科索沃的法律地位。
5.It was a first step to consider those 40 proposals in an attempt to reach consensus and submit definite proposals to the General Assembly.只是第一步先审议这40项提案以尝试达成协商一致,并向大会提交明确的提案。
6.I am also encouraged that Member States have continued to keep intercultural dialogue high on the agenda of the General Assembly.联合国大会上,许多国家都将跨文化间对话列为重要议程,这让我倍受鼓舞。
7.When we were here during the General Assembly, before that there was another meeting in Pittsburgh, and there were some demonstrations.我们到这里开联合国大会,之前在匹兹堡也开过一个会,都会有一些示威者。
8.The Delegation also proposed the creation of a WIPO office for assessment and evaluation (WERO) that would depend on the General Assembly.该代表团提议还建立一个依托大会的专门办公室(WERO)来负责评估与评价工作。
9." The spokesman said the advisory opinion would be forwarded to the General Assembly, which would " determine how to proceed on this matter.这名发言人表示,顾问性的建议将递交联合国大会,以便于其决定“怎样着手处理该问题”。
10.I remember we used in the first President of the general assembly gave us said such a word.我记得我们以前的会长在第一次会员大会上给我们说过这样一句话。