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general belief是什么意思_怎么读

general belief


1.I know no more stirring symbol; for, contrary to the general belief, hope equals resignation. And to live is not to resign oneself.当然,据我所知,也没有比它更激动人心的象征了;因为,和一般信念相对,希望等同于隐退,而生存却不应如此。

2.With the social and political systems to adapt, in the ideology of the Zhou Dynasty, a general belief is that of ancestor worship.与这种社会政治制度相适应,在商周时代的意识形态中,一个普遍的信仰就是祖先崇拜。

3.But it will take quite some bust in the east to shake the general belief that that's where the industry's future lies.但是,除非东方出现相当程度的经济破灭,才会撼动认为亚洲是未来金融业发展所在的普遍观念。

4.Convince one of them you can disprove the general belief that the obesity trend is related to our business.只要说服其中一个,你就可以把众人的观念改变,从此不会认为人们变胖的趋势与我们的业务息息相关。

5.But there was something else going on: a general belief that bubbles just don't happen.但危机继续着:大家都坚信泡沫不会发生。

6.If there are codes of citizenship and a general belief in Britain's virtues, acts of domestic terrorism are unlikely to happen.如果我们有公民行为规范和大众都深信不已的英国美德,那国内恐怖主义行径就不大可能出现。

7.The general belief of Tibetan Buddhism.普遍信仰藏传佛教。

8.It is a general belief that we get educated in schools and colleges.人们普遍相信我们在中学和大学里获得教育。

9.There is a general belief that things will soon get better.大家普遍认为情况很快就会好转。

10.There is a general belief that we can walk anywhere, rest anywhere or do whatever we need to do to survive.大家都相信我们哪儿都可以去,可以在任何地方休息,只要为了求生就什么都可以做。