general education
美式发音: 英式发音:na.普通教育
1.通识教育 高等教育 higher/tertiary education 普遍教育 general education 成人教育 adult education ...
4.通才教育 通才教育(General education):培养基础理论 扎实、知识面宽、适应性强的人才的教育。也称 通识教育。
5.大众教育大众教育(General Education)1080P+720P+字幕下载天上掉下个姐姐(People Like Us)1080P+720P+字幕下载 孤筏重洋(Kon …
6.通识课程其实你不用着急选专业,因为美国大学头两年主要是通识课程(General Education),什么东西都要学一点,等你入学了,跟 …
7.一般教育包括一般教育(General Education), 专业方向(Concentration )和选修课。本科生必须在一般教育的8个领域中各选择至少一 …
造句带翻译释义:,普通教育,通识教育,普遍教育,通才教育1.He was something of a humorist, and rather deficient in general education; but acute, patient, and upright.他带几分幽默感,却缺少教养;可是他灵敏,有耐心,为人正直。
2.It was at this time that Latvian school children began to receive a general education and peasants acquired an idea of freedom.在这个时代拉脱维亚校园的孩子们开始接全面教育,农民们萌生了自由的概念。
3.To this notion, I give a heartfelt disagreement for the general education, a broad range of knowledge will never be out of date.对于这种观念,我完全同意适用于通识教育,即广泛的知识永远不过时。
4.The aim of this paper is trying to probe into the establishment of general education curriculum in Chinese normal colleges and universities.本论文对我国高师院校通识课程的设置进行了较为深入的研究。
5.Serving society, helping others and obeying the laws have always been major parts of American general education.服务社会、帮助别人跟按照法律,一贯是美国个别教导的重要部分。
6.The cultivature of the disposition to rule of law is one of the important point to the general education of jurisprudence.法治素养的培育是法学通识教育重要的一环。
7.Secondly, the number of the curricula of general education , which often conflicts with those of special education, is hard to set.二是通识教育课程设置的数量难以确定,容易与专业课程产生冲突。
8.That of general education, to enable every man to judge for himself what will secure or endanger his freedom. 2.普通教育,使每个人自己判断什么什么会保护或危及他的自由。
9.UWSP helped me by requiring me to complete a very broad set of general education requirements.威斯康辛大学史蒂文分校帮助我完成了一般教育要求的非常广泛的资源。
10.It differs from the kind of general education, "stipulation" is its unique characteristics or attributes.它区别于普通教育的那种“规定性”,是其独有的特征或属性。