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general meaning是什么意思_怎么读

general meaning



1.一般意义 ... 27. be famous for 因某事而出名 28. general meaning 大概意思 29. look up 查单 …

3.从综合的角度看 ... 3.从管理的角度看( Management) 4.从综合的角度看( General Meaning) 改进( Improvement) ...

4.一般性的意义] 故他同时还认为,难道不可以把「宪法」一词赋予其一般性的意义(general meaning),而将「宪政的政府」(constitutional go…

5.综合的角度4.综合的角度 综合的角度(General Meaning) 综合的角度 政府组织( 政府组织(Government):国家行政机关推行公务的活动; ) …


1.The general meaning of the word "exercise" is to train or to do something as a way of practice.运动的大概意思是训练或为了锻炼做某件事。

2.Don't try to understand everything you hear, just try to guess the general meaning of what people are saying.不要试图理解你所听到的所有东西,只要去猜测人们想要说得基本意思就行了。

3.If the concept of system were in general meaning, it would be difficult to connect with the existence needs.如果是通常的制度概念,则很难将它与生存需要的满足联系起来。

4.In the general meaning, it refers to pay and charge for the graduate education, whose core is the graduate students' tuition fee.在一般意义上,它指的是研究生教育的收费一付费问题,核心是研究生的学费问题。

5.Asks: Turns the general meaning line, does not need strictly tocompare, but cannot have the obvious abbreviation.要求:翻出大概意思就行,不必严格对照,但不能有明显的省略。

6.Physical model of the caries is of general meaning in the etiology, pathology of caries and its affecting factors.龋病研究的物理模型广泛应用在龋病病因、病理及影响因素等的分析研究中。

7.On the basis of our experiments, a new physical model is established and a modified formula with general meaning is given.在前期系统实验的基础上,建立新的物理模型,给出更具普遍意义的修正公式。

8.Afterwards, it elaborates on the general meaning and characteristics of moral rationality.之后,对道德理性的一般意蕴及特点进行了详细的阐释。

9.I just try to catch the general meaning of each sentence.我只是弄懂每一句的大概意思。

10.A: I just try yo catch the general meaning of each sentence.我只是试着去弄懂每一句的大意。