美式发音: [ˌdʒiniˈælədʒi] 英式发音: [ˌdʒiːniˈælədʒi]n.家谱学;系谱学;宗谱学;家谱(图)
网络释义:家系;谱系学;族谱复数:genealogies 同义词 tree,descent,lineage,pedigree,family
genealogyn.1.[u]家谱学;系谱学;宗谱学the study of family history, including the study of who the ancestors of a particular person were
2.[c]家谱(图);系谱(图);宗谱(图)a particular person's line of ancestors ; a diagram that shows this
n.1.the study of the history of families using historical documents to discover the relationships between people2.the history of one family, showing how all the people are related to each other
1.系谱学 etymology n 词源学 genealogy n 家谱(学) geology n 地质学 ...
3.宗谱 宗派〖 faction;sect〗 宗谱〖 genealogy〗 宗器〖 sacrificialvessel〗 ...
4.家系 家务事〖 housewifery〗 家系〖 genealogy〗 家下〖 home〗 ...
5.谱系学 [sect] 宗教的支派 [genealogy] 家谱;族谱 [sacrificial vessel] 古代宗庙祭祀所用的器物 ...
7.家谱学 gene 基因 genealogy 家谱学 generality 概述 ...
造句带翻译释义:,家谱学,系谱学,宗谱学,家谱,家系,谱系学,族谱1.It sounds like a good idea to me, and with all the genetic genealogy going on, it should be easy to put this idea into operation.对我来说这似乎是个好消息。随着所有的遗传谱系的研究,易于把这一想法变成行动。
2.You took it out on special occasions and recited that hero's great deeds and genealogy.在特殊场合,你得把它带去,重述英雄的伟大事迹和族谱。
3.Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, like the Son of God he remains a priest forever.他无父,无母,无族谱,无生之始,无命之终,乃是与神的儿子相似。
4.The Naked Cowboy is not at all interested in genealogy, though. In that, he is a typical child of a genealogist .不过赤裸牛仔对家谱学完全不感兴趣,他在这方面还是小学生。
5.And with these historical materials, ZiSi, the key figure of Benevolence's mid-genealogy, and his thoughts are being studied in a new way.而先秦仁学中期谱系的核心人物子思及其思想,也因新史料的发现,有了新的研究契机。
6.The Pharaohs are not the only genealogy however to participate in life extension practices.不过,法老并不是参与了延寿实践的唯一遗传宗谱。
7.One of the roles of the Gum Tree Kingdom is to piece together the collective consensus based history and genealogy .橡胶树王国的角色之一,是来拼合基于集体一致实相的历史和血统宗谱。
8.Stage in the genealogy, power discipline the body, the body is the power of discourse reflector.在谱系学阶段,权力话语规训着身体,身体是权力话语的反射面。
9.There are those with terrorist genealogy in the mainstream of every group of humans .在每一群人类的主流中,也有拥有恐怖分子宗谱的那些人。
10.As it turns out, the attribution of virtually everything bad in the modern world to "Gnosticism" has an interesting genealogy.正如已被证明的那样,将几乎所有现代社会的坏事无都归结为“灵知主义”有着有趣的谱系。