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General of the army是什么意思_怎么读

General of the army

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n.1.an officer in the U.S. Army of the highest rank, having an insignia of five stars, this rank and title used only in wartime

1.五星上将 木子屋 GZ-MZW 五星上将 General of the army 玛洛薇 maravi vi ...

2.陆军五星上将 五星上将 Five-Star General 元帅 General of the Army 上将 General ...

4.陆军五星级上将我美国陆军的各阶级徽章的样式? ... -----军官五星上将(General of the Army) 上将 (General) 中将(Lieutenant General) 少将(Ma...

7.陆军特级上将 元帅 Marshal 陆军元帅 General of the Army 海军元帅 Fleet Admiral ...


1.The general of the army is so resourceful that his army often win the battle.这个军队的将军是那样的足智多谋以至于他的军队经常赢得战斗的胜利。

2.As for me, the uniform of the Marine from the second to the right. General of the Army Douglas MacArthur.在我看来,从二战直到现在的海军陆战队的服装最帅。道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟将军。

3.General of the Army(Reserved for wartime only)陆军五星上将(只在战时授予)、

4.Inspector General of the Army陆军总监察长

5.Surgeon General of the Army美国陆军军医总监

6.the i- general of the army [navy]美国陆[海]军监察长。