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general headquarters是什么意思_怎么读

general headquarters

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general headquarters— see alsoGHQ


n.1.the office or building from which an organization controls its activities, for example a military operation

1.总司令部 ... IDD ← international direct dial 国际直拨电话 GHQ ← General Headquarters 总司令部 TB ← tuberculosis 肺结核 ...

2.总部 总兵[ command] 总部[ general headquarters] 总裁[ head examiner] ...

3.陆军总司令部 ... general format 一般格式 general headquarters 陆军总司令部 general knowledge 常识 ...

4.总指挥部 ... 总罢工: general strike 总指挥部general headquarters 总方针: general policy ...

5.空军总司令部 年6月 空军总司令部General Headquarters, 和第480情报联队(4 80 IW) ...

6.盟军总司令部在东京建立盟军总司令部(General Headquarters),通称 GHQ 日本主要大权都掌握在美国手中, 一直到1952年才根据旧金山合 …


1.The order is a follow-on option to a previously signed contract between FLIR and the General Headquarters.该订单是FLIR公司和通用司令部先前合同的一份后续合同。

2.The order of commendation from the general headquarters lifted up still higher the morale of the troops.总司令部的嘉奖令大大地鼓舞了那个部队的士气。

3.A protective barrier for the general headquarters?王渊源:总镇府的屏障?

4.After duty general headquarters decision replenishment stoff , selects machine the implementation airship launch.在任务总指挥部决定加注火箭推进剂后,择机实施飞船发射。

5.The Armed Police Force has three echelons of leadership, namely, general headquarters, contingent (division) and detachment (regiment).武警部队设总部、总队(师)、支队(团)三级领导机关。

6.Ruled Japan during the Allied, Allied General Headquarters in Japan has strictly implemented the press review.在盟军统治日本时期,驻日盟军总司令部曾严格实施报刊审查。

7.On behalf of the PLA's general headquarters, Ge expressed heartfelt thanks to the HKSAR government, all social sectors and Hong Kong people.代表中国解放军陆军司令部,向香港特别行政区政府,社会各部分和香港人民的衷心感谢。

8.Discussion on historical information of folk house in the site of Eighth Route Army's general headquarters in Wuxiang village浅析武乡八路军总司令部旧址的民居历史信息

9.Today, the former Nan'ao General Headquarters,如今,南澳总镇府、