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美式发音: [ˌdʒenrə'lɪsɪmoʊ] 英式发音: [ˌdʒenrə'lɪsɪməʊ]





n.1.in some countries, the supreme commander of a combined military force consisting of the army, navy, and air force

1.大元帅 ecological balance 生态平衡 generalissimo 大元帅 generality 概论 ...

2.蒋任大元帅)称法,取自第二次世界大战时蒋任大元帅Generalissimo)的英语简写。 /中国大陆/地区很少用“中正”或“蒋中正”来称呼蒋…

3.大元帅的头衔居台湾,中国枭雄蒋介石的能耐倒也不输佛朗哥,就连那大元帅的头衔Generalissimo)也是从佛朗哥那儿学来的,将军后 …


5.蒋任委员长说英语的外国人(特别是美国人)称法,取自第二次世界大战时蒋任委员长Generalissimo)的英语简写。 经国、纬国吾儿: …

6.国民政府军事委员会委员长而此称呼,其实就是国民政府军事委员会委员长Generalissimo)的英语简写。另外,中国国内外大部分学者与民众也普遍认 …

7.蒋担任委员长说英语的外国人(特别是美国人)有时昵称蒋为Gimo,是指在第二次世界大战时蒋担任委员长Generalissimo)的英语简写。 …



1.Governor Dewey, the last white hope of Chiang Kai-shek, was defeated. And with him the generalissimo.杜威州长的落选使蒋寄托于美国的最后一点希望落空,蒋本人跟着也完蛋了。

2.Some other leadership and a viable program had to be found to replace the Generalissimo and the Nationalist Party organization.当时的情势已急迫到需要找出其他领导者和受支持的政策来取代蒋大元帅和国民党。

3.Pai Chung-hsi and the Hupeh Provincial Council immediately brought the question of peace before the generalissimo.白崇禧和湖北省参议会立即向蒋提出实现和平的问题。

4.It was a win that Spain's fascist leader Generalissimo Franco was quick to spin a propaganda vehicle for his regime.这场胜利,西班牙的法西斯领导佛朗哥将军以及他的政权迅速周旋的宣传工具。

5.The story was circulated that the generalissimo wanted to follow the custom of the United States and name the vice-president himself.当时人们传说蒋介石想要仿照美国的做法,由他本人指定副总统。

6.Meanwhile, Chang had not lost faith in the Generalissimo.与此同时,张学良对总司令还没有失去信心。

7.The Generalissimo should be informed that if he wishes to remain on the island, he will be accorded the status of a political refugee.元帅应被告知:如果他想要留在岛上,将被允许以政治难民之身份。

8.Nevertheless, they saw they would have to sacrifice, or appear to sacrifice, the generalissimo.但是他们知道怎么也得牺牲蒋介石了,至少也得作出这样的姿态来。

9.The Nationalist or Kuomintang (KMT) army led by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek retreated to the island after its defeat by Communist troops.在蒋介石元帅领导下的国民党军队被共军击败后撤退到台湾岛。

10.This issue was fought out between the Premier and the Generalissimo at a stormy interview before the Council meeting.在内阁会议召开之前,总理和最高统帅曾对这个问题进行了一场激烈的争辩。