generally accepted
美式发音: 英式发音:adj.公认
1.普遍承认的 generalized 推广的 generally accepted 通用的;普遍承认的 generant 母点;产生的;母 …
2.普遍接受 ... cheque crossed generally 【经】 普通划线支票 generally accepted 【经】 一般公认 generally speak ng 一般说 …
4.公认的 ... currently accepted 普遍接受的, 目前采纳的 generally accepted 公认的 ion accepted 离子接受体 ...
5.普遍接受的 generalized 推广的 generally accepted 通用的;普遍承认的 generant 母点;产生的;母 …
造句带翻译释义:,公认,普遍承认的,普遍接受,一般公认1.When I grew up, it was generally accepted that there was a God and that this world was his creation.当我长大时,社会上一般人都普遍接受有神的观念,也接受宇宙是祂所创造的。
2.He made a black hole emitting radiation (now called Hawking radiation) is now the prophecy is a generally accepted hypothesis.他提出黑洞能发射辐射(现在叫霍金辐射)的预言现在已是一个公认的假说。
3.Intercepting and perhaps subclassing any of these actions may result in a sort of "limitation" of generally accepted Internet practices.截取以及细分这些操作可能会对普遍认可的Internet操作带来某种“局限性”。
4.However, it was generally accepted that the operation did not present a viable cure for AIDS.然而,人们普遍认为,这种手术还不是可行的治疗艾滋病的方法。
5.Other assets that serve as stores of value must first be sold to be converted into a generally accepted medium of exchange.作为价值储存服务于其他资产必须先卖给成普遍接受的交换媒介转换。
6.To that very limited extent I'm on the side of the "efficient market " school of thought now generally accepted by the professors.在有限范围内,我支持被一些教授广泛接受的“有效市场”原则。
7.It is generally accepted that the experiences of the child in his first years largely determine his character and later personality.人们普遍认为孩子最初几年的经历对其性格以及日后个性的培养影响很大。
8.It is generally accepted that this technique can provide direct diagnostic reference for vasovagal syncope (VVS) .目前普遍认为此技术可以对血管迷走性晕厥(VVS)提供直接诊断依据。
9.Unfortunately this debatable concept is now too generally accepted in the political world for such repudiation to be feasible.不幸的是,这个有争议的概念如今在政界受到太广泛的认可,这样批判它已经不可行了。
10.Both the underlying theory and the procedures used to produce results must be generally accepted by scientists in the relevant fields.基本的理论和用于产生结果的程序都必须得到相关领域科学家的普遍接受。