美式发音: [ˌdʒenəˈræləti] 英式发音: [.dʒenə'ræləti]n.概论;普遍性;一般性;通则
网络释义:通用性;共性;概括性复数:generalities 同义词反义词
n.generalization,sweeping statement,simplification,oversimplification,overview
generality显示所有例句n.1.[c][usupl]概述;概论;通则a statement that discusses general principles or issues rather than details or particular examples
to speak in broad generalities泛泛地说
As usual, he confined his comments to generalities.他和往常一样,只作了笼统的评论。
2.[singspv]主体;大多数;大部分most of a group of people or things
This view is held by the generality of leading scholars.大多数知名学者都持这种观点。
3.[u]一般性;普遍性;笼统the quality of being general rather than detailed or exact
An account of such generality is of little value.这种一般性描述没有什么价值。
n.1.a statement that is not specific but that covers a wide range of situations; the fact that a statement is general rather than specific2.the majority of something, for example most of the people in a group
1.一般性 共享〖 share〗 共性〖 generalcharacter;generality〗 共旋〖 corotate〗 ...
5.概论 genuine a. 真正的,真实的,纯朴的 generality n. 概论,概说,大要 generous a. 慷慨的, …
7.普适性这种普适性(generality)使得interface类型的用法有些奇妙的地方。比如,在Go Language Specification里说,interface是一种引 …
造句带翻译释义:,概论,普遍性,一般性,通则,通用性,共性,概括性1.The results of dynamically productive experiments showed that this technology was of notability and generality.动态生产实验结果表明,该技术对于提高糖汁品质具有显著性和普遍性;
2.Despite their generality, however, these subjects seem to us essentially empirical, and our arguments against theory will not apply to them.然而,抛开它们的普遍性,这些主题在我们看来本质上非常经验主义,我们反对理论的论点不适用于它们。
3.Such generality warms the heart of any software developer.这种一般性温暖了任何软体开发人员的心。
4.The result shows the formula is simplifying, easy to calculate, simple to use and the objectivity, generality and comparison.该公式形式简单,易于计算,方便实用,并具有客观性、可比性和通用性等特点。
5.Dynamic waves and moving fishes form rays of curves which go through each other, trying to reach generality from among disorder.动感的海浪与鱼群的游动,形成发散性的线条互相穿透其中,在无序之中寻找各自的共性。
6.This generality does wonders for the shelf-life of the standards but has the unfortunate side effect of adding complexity to the system.这种一般性的确可以使标准的适用期变得出奇的长,但同时也会使系统变得更复杂,带来负面影响。
7.Finally, do not expect xml2sql to be particularly fast or efficient; this utility is designed primarily for portability and generality.最后,不要指望xml2sql特别快或者特别有效;这种实用程序主要是为可移植性和通用性而设计的。
8.Transformer control over the class load order would improve the generality of dynamic transformation but would not solve the problem.变压器控制班级负荷秩序会改善的一般性的动态转化,但不会解决这个问题。
9.We suggest that the generality stipulated changes the exceptional, stipulation, and is suitable the strict limit to it.建议把一般性规定改为例外性规定,并对其适用加以严格限制。
10.In the sense of individuality and generality, human being can be divided into individual being and social being.从个别和一般的意义看,人可以分为个别的人和一般的人,或者个人和社会。