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general practitioner

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网络释义:全科医生;全科医师;普通医生复数:general practitioners  


general practitionern.

1.(医院以外的)全科医生,普通医师a doctor who is trained in general medicine and who treats patients in a local community rather than at a hospital


n.1.a doctor who is in general practice

1.全科医生 广东省人民医院 杨小红 提 纲 全科医生的定义 全科医生general practitioner)又称家庭医生(family doctor),是毕业后经 …

2.全科医师 intern doctor 实习医师 general practitioner 全科医师 specialist 专科医师 ...

3.普通医生 开业医生: practitioner 普通医生general practitioner 乡村医生: rural doctor ...

4.家庭医生 牙科助理 Dental Assistant 全科执业医师 General Practitioner 药剂师 Pharmacist ...

7.普通开业医生 ... orthopaedic: 整形外科的 GP:general practitioner普通开业医生,非专科医生 midwife: 助产士,接生 …


1.How much does a General Practitioner need to know?一个全科医生需要知道多少?

2.If they do feel down in the though, they are also more likely to turn to a general practitioner rather than family for help.如果他们确实感到抑郁,他们也更倾向于向普通科医师而不是家人求助。

3.So it's important that the general practitioner refer these patients to a specialist.所以全科医生将这些患者推荐给专家。

4.A patient's first point of contact with the NHS is usually their general practitioner (GP).一位患者通过NHS的首次约诊通常是他们的全科医生。

5.Along with this reform, the medical instruments designed for community health care is needed to support the general practitioner.照此思路,医疗器械的发展也应该有计划地满足社区医疗系统中全科医生的需求。

6.Both say they were assessed by a general practitioner who misconstrued their answers.他们异口同声说他们只是被一般的从业人员评估,而且那些人误解了他们的回答。

7.Through more than 3 year's development, Shanghai urban general practitioner service team had already worked on the right path.经过3年多的发展,上海市城市全科服务团队的运作已逐步走上正轨。

8.As Andrew put the books away, Celia remembered something another doctor, a veteran general practitioner, had told her.安德鲁把书放回去,西莉亚想起另一位医生,一个经验丰富,通晓各科的医生对她讲的话。

9.Dr. West, the sound general practitioner, with no patience for frills, made jokes about his colleague.韦斯特大夫是个经验丰富的医生,他讨厌摆架子,爱开同事的玩笑。

10.Secondly, the scope of community health service and general practitioner should be improved.其二,要完善卫生社区服务的服务范围和培训体系;