美式发音: [ˌdʒen(ə)rəlɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌdʒen(ə)rəlaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n]n.综合;广义;一般化;广义化
网络释义:泛化;概括;泛化关系复数:generalizations 同义词反义词
n.sweeping statement,simplification,oversimplification,overview,generality
generalization显示所有例句n.1.概括;归纳;泛论a general statement that is based on only a few facts or examples; the act of making such statements
a speech full of broad/sweeping generalizations通篇大而无当的发言
to make generalizations about sth对某事做出归纳
Try to avoid generalization.尽量避免泛泛而论。
n.1.a statement that is true in most situations; a statement that seems to be true in most situations but is based on too few facts or only on a small number of instances
1.泛化 7. identify: 认同。 8. generalization: 概括;普遍化。 9. stretch: 伸展,张开。 ...
7.归纳 confrontation n. 面对,对抗 generalization n. 概括,归纳 release v. 释放,发表 ...
8.概化们概化(generalization)得太快,并把新的情境认为与旧的情境相似, 因此,没注意到两者之间的显著差异。
造句带翻译释义:,综合,广义,一般化,广义化,泛化,概括,泛化关系1.Then we elaborated the concept of map generalization in mobile environment from the point of the fundamental problems in map generalization.进一步从制图综合基本问题出发,阐述了移动环境地图自动综合的概念。
2.Anything you know a little bit about you'll probably be able to rely on your experience to make an inductive generalization.你了解一点的,你可能会依赖你的经验,来做出归纳推广。
3.It's the kind of simplified generalization that tends to be made by an individual with a shallow understanding of a language and a culture.那是一种简而言之的概括方式,这是那些对语言对文化理解浅薄的人经常会使用的伎俩。
4.In other words, prior to the birth of a real shopping center, the word, "Shopping Center" , has been abused and generalization.也就是说,在真正的购物中心出生前,“购物中心”的名字已在中国被滥用和泛化。
5.Actual applications show that this system features quick convergence, powerful generalization and high practical value.实践证明这种遗传神经网络预测系统收敛速度快、推广性强,具有较高的实际应用价值。
6.An idea is always a generalization, and generalization is a property of thinking. To generalize means to think.一个观点总是一种推理,而推理是思维的财富。推理就意味着思维。
7.the Confucianism ethics in the Early Qin period was an elite ethics that had the problem of generalization.先秦时期的儒家伦理是一种精英伦理,这种伦理存在著普遍性的问题。
8.Eleven English morphemes constitute only a minute portion of English syntax, and therefore lack generalization.十一个英文词素仅构成英文语法的微小部分,因此缺乏普遍性。
9.The fault diagnosis result shows that this fault diagnosis system has strong ability of robust and generalization.诊断实例结果表明:该故障诊断系统具有较强的鲁棒性和泛化能力;
10.Polynomial kernel is investigated and widely used for text categorization because of it's high generalization performance.多项式核函数由于具有良好的泛化性能而受到重视,并被研究用于文本分类问题。