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general theory of relativity是什么意思_怎么读

general theory of relativity



1.广义相对论里面提起的一些物理观念,如牛顿万有引力、爱因斯坦的一般相对论(General Theory of Relativity ) 、特别相对论(Special The…

5.关于广义相对论然断了,电梯急速下降,自己变成没有重量,使他推出「广泛相对论」(general theory of relativity),说明引力与加速是可以 …


1.Today scientists describe the universe in terms of two basic partial theories -- the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.今天科学家们按照两种基本的局部理论——广义相对论和量子力学来描述宇宙。

2.He explained that it was surprising to be able to link Einstein's general theory of relativity to a totally different area of physics.他很吃惊的发现能将爱因斯坦的相对论和一个完全不同的物理领域联系起来。

3.The authors even review the general theory of relativity and black holes, although by then the book has degenerated into a series of notes.作者们甚至还回顾了广义相对论和黑洞理论,尽管这样做的结果是将书退化成为一系列的笔记。

4.In 1915 Einstein created the general theory of relativity, further reveals the four-dimensional space - time material relationship.1915年爱因斯坦创建了广义相对论,进一步揭示了四维空间时间物质的关系。

5.If that is the case, says Hawking, Einstein's general theory of relativity would have to be modified, and there would be no singularities .如果这是事实的话,哈肯说,爱因斯坦的相对论必须被修正,而且也不会有非凡现象。

6.His general theory of relativity altered man's view of the universe and made possible the quantum theory and ultimately the atomic bomb.他的广义相对论改变了人们对宇宙的看法,并使量子理论应用到原子弹最终成为现实。

7.The idea of antigravity was originally suggested by Einstein as a kind of add-on to his General Theory of Relativity.反引力的概念最早是由爱因斯坦作为一种附加理论在相对论中提出来的。

8.In his general theory of relativity, Einstein proposed that space and time are distorted by the presence of massive objects.在整个相对论体系中,爱因斯坦都认为时空是受大质量物体的影响的。

9.And he was reading Einstein's recently published general theory of relativity, and he was thrilled by this theory.他当时正在读爱因斯坦刚发表的广义相对论,他被这个理论震惊了。

10.The first key idea dates to 1916 when Einstein developed his General Theory of Relativity which he proposed as a new theory of gravity.1916年,爱因斯坦在他的引力新理论--广义相对论中提出了这一关键的想法。