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网络释义:概括;归纳阶段;普遍化第三人称单数:generalizes  现在分词:generalizing  过去式:generalized  同义词反义词





v.1.to make a statement or remark about a group of people or things without going into any detail; to give an opinion about a group of people or things based on too few facts or only on a small number of instances2.to apply a particular fact or example to a larger number of facts or examples


2.归纳阶段到存于长期记忆中的学习内容,然后用它来影响绩效。 推广generalizing) 推广(generalizing) 能在类似而非绝对相同的 …

6.概括哈 ... Direction( 方向啊,之类的..): Generalizing( 概括哈..): Illustration( 也是举例用的..): ...

7.概括作用8.概括作用generalizing):心灵又看到在感官所感知的各特殊广延中,一面有共同的、相似的东西,一面又有一些特殊的 …


1.Our history teacher is always generalizing; he never deals with anything in detail.我们的历史教师总爱概括地讲,从不详述任何史实。

2.This shifting of risk from bondholders was a bad idea in Ireland and generalizing it across the euro zone will not improve it.这种把风险从债券持有人身上移走的做法在爱尔兰就收效不佳,推广到整个欧元区收效也不会改善。

3.It was the imagination and generalizing power of Karl Marx which brought these two movements into relationship.是卡尔·马克思的想象力和综合能力,使这两种运动产生了密切的关系。

4.It is something as regards which one sees, in short, by standing back a little, whether this method has indeed all this generalizing.总之,这个方法,让我们后退几步来观看,即使无法确实地概括一切。

5.Their breezily generalizing style discounts the many contradictory elements that are always at play among the country's vast population.两位作者轻松的总结概括方法,忽视了许多在庞大的中国人口中起影响的相互对立因素。

6.This method has been applied to one type of flight data recorder, and proved to be practicability and generalizing value.该方法在实际工作中得到了应用,具有一定的实用性和推广价值。

7.In the past 40 years of generalizing bulk cement process, layout of the loading system have been improved step by step.在推广散装水泥40多年的历程中,其装车系统的布置形式也得到逐步改进。

8.However, when generalizing this concept to other problems, there may be any number of "pipeline stages" that can be established.但是,当应用这个思想处理其他问题时,可以建立任意数量的“管道阶段”。

9.Put yourself in charge of all this variability by automating and generalizing.通过自动化和通用化使您自己掌握所有这些可变性。

10.As shown in Generalizing a domain, the resulting documents can still be exchanged.如泛化域中所示,生成的文档仍然可以互换。