general truth
1.真理onditionals) 固名诗意,这是一个基於 真理 ( General truth ) 上的假设,来说及一些 不变定律 或 习惯性 的情况。
2.一般真理 2 表示一种永恒不变的情况,事情( Situations which are permanent) 3 表示真理( General Truth) ...
造句带翻译释义:,真理,一般真理,普遍真理1.lastly , what i describe below are my personal experiences and should not be construed as typical or general truth.最后,下面写的都是我的个人经历,请不要当作典型或者真理。
2.A general truth seems to apply even in the cyber world - only you can protect yourself.众所周知的一条真理似乎在网络世界也很受用——只有你,才能保护你自己。
3.We thus have the general truth that any normal person has the language tools to handle anything he needs to handle.因此我们懂得一个普遍的道理,任何正常人都能用语言工具去处理任何他需要处理任何事情。
4.A succinct formulation of a fundamental principle, general truth, or rule of conduct.用来引导研究的一般公式,或者与这种公式相关的。
5.The same general truth is illustrated by the statements in regard to age, particularity in which is a national trait of the Chinese.算年龄也体现这一普遍事实,特别体现出中国人的民族特点。
6.A concisely expressed preceptor general truth; a maxim.格言精确表达的知觉印象或普遍真理;格言
7.Maxim denotes particularly an expression of a general truth or a rule of conduct: Maxim特指普遍真理或行为准则的表达: