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generating station是什么意思_怎么读

generating station

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1.发电厂 generalized velocities 广义速度 generating station 发电厂 generation 世代 ...

2.发电站 generating set 发电机组 generating station 发电站 generating transducer 发电机传感器 ...

3.产生电力的工厂 ... 【stare blankly】 呈现出呆相;发楞 【generating station;power station】 产生电力的工厂 【electric generator】 发动 ...

4.发电站或发电厂 limitation: 局限或限制。 generating station发电站或发电厂。 benefit: 优势或好处。 ...


1.Former medical director at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station in Arizona, the largest nuclear plant in the U. S.美国最大核电站、亚利桑那州PaloVerde核能发电厂前医疗主任巴克林(DonaldBucklin)

2.On a scorching August day in southwestern Indiana, the giant Gibson generating station is running flat out.炎热八月的一天,印第安纳州西南部的大型吉布森发电站正在飞速运转着。

3.Turbines at the Barrage de la Rance electric power generating station in France create a whirlpool in the Rance River.安装在法国兰斯发电站拦河坝上的涡轮机构成了兰斯河上的漩涡。

4.This generating station in Canada, burns biomass fuel from nearby sawmills produce energy.这个发电站在加拿大,燃烧生物质燃料来自附近锯木厂生产能源。

5.German troops pass through a wrecked generating station in the factory district of Stalingrad, on December 28, 1942.1942年12月28日,德军穿过斯大林格勒工厂区一座损毁的发电站。

6.In fact, Indiana is home to the country's largest coal power plant, the Gibson Generating Station.实际上,美国最大的火力发电厂吉布森发电站在该州。

7.Our electricity comes from a new generating station.我们用的电来自新的发电站。

8.Research on the Building Vibration and Reinforcement of Hongshi Hydroelectric Generating Station红石水电站厂房振动及其加固研究

9.Seismic analysis for three phase asynchronous motor used in nuclear power generating station核电站用三相异步电机的抗震力学性能计算分析

10.Criteria for the Periodic Surveillance Testing of Nuclear Power Generating Station Safety Systems核电站安全系统周期监督测试的准则