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Generation X是什么意思_怎么读

Generation X

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1.X 一代(20 世纪 60 年代初至 70 年代中期出生,缺乏人生目标和感到失落的人)the group of people who were born between the early 1960s and the middle of the 1970s, who seem to lack a sense of direction in life and to feel that they have no part to play in society


n.1.the people born in the 1960s and 1970s, who are sometimes seen as having no strong moral values

1.无名的一代高柏兰(Coupland, 1995)写的小说「无名的一代」(Generation-X)捕捉了与战后一代完全不同的青少年的特徵。他们是在 …


1.Many studies have found that Generation X family men help around the house a good deal more than their forefathers.许多研究发现,“X一代”的男性家庭成员承担的家务比他们的先辈多得多。

2.There is a name, however, for' the generation that has no name'; Generation X.然而,“无名的一代”也拥有一个称号——“x世代”。

3.The women of Generation X were supposed to have it all; an education, a career and little pressure to have children.本以为X一代女性应该是拥有一切的:受过教育,拥有自己的事业,在生育孩子方面也没什么压力。

4.My husband and I were as obvious as points on a graph in a Generation X marriage study.我和我丈夫的婚姻显然处于“X一代”婚姻研究的范畴之内。

5.Of course, we'll all adapt and get along, but I'll keep my Generation X friends for now.当然,我们对此会互相调整以求彼此能和睦相处。但是,就我个人而言,我还是喜欢跟我们X代人做朋友。

6.This is one of the main gulfs between our baby boomer generation and Generation X.这是我们这代婴儿潮时代出生的人和现在的年轻人之间的代沟。

7.Education of economic household head on FAFH expenditure is not significant influence variable for generation X.经济户长教育程度在X世代中,对于家庭外食消费支出并不具影响力。

8.Marketing surveys reveal that Generation X mothers don't seek parenting advice from their own moms.市场调查表明,“X一代”妈妈不会从她们的母亲那里寻求育儿建议。

9.Ten years ago, we might have called them Generation X, or slackers, but those labels don't quite fit anymore.十年前,我们可能会把这群人交错第X代,或者混混,但是如今这些称呼已不合适。

10.The opportunity cost of wives time and housing tenure are significant factors affecting FAFH for the baby boomers and Generation X;家庭主妇时间成本和房屋租赁对于婴儿潮世代与X世代是显著影响变数;