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1.慷慨地 reassure 使安心 generously 慷慨地,大方地 salmon 鲑鱼 ...

2.宽大地 generation 代, 一代 generously 宽大地,慷慨地 abandon 放纵 ...

3.大方地 reassure 使安心 generously 慷慨地,大方地 salmon 鲑鱼 ...

4.慷慨的 adopted brother 领养兄弟 generously 慷慨的 chore (家务,杂事) ...

5.慨然 慨然 generously;with deep feeling 客气1. polite;courteous;modest ...

6.宽大的 generous adj. 慷慨的,大方的 generously adv. 宽大的 genial adj. 和蔼的 ...

7.大量地 ... unexploited 未开发,未利用的 generously 慷慨地,大量地 hazards 危险的, …

8.丰富地 ... generosity 宽宏大量,慷慨大方 generously 宽大地;丰富地 openhanded 慷慨的 ...


1.We all want attention and appreciation, and if we give it, generously, we may be surprised how much we get in return.我们都需要被关注和被欣赏。如果我们能先给予别人关注和欣赏,我们会发现我们获得的回报是如此之多,这令人惊讶。

2.The two were already corresponding, and Wallace had more than once generously sent Darwin specimens that he thought might be of interest.两人已有了一定的交流,华莱士不止一次慷慨地赠送给达尔文一些他认为达尔文可能会感兴趣的标本。

3.As things go over there, Olenski's acted generously: he might have turned her out without a penny.按那边的情形,奥兰斯基做得已经很慷慨了:他本来可以一个铜板都不给就把她撵走的。

4.After you have managed your money wisely and given generously, there comes a time for you to enjoy the fruits of your labors.当你把钱财合理分配并能预期执行之后,你就可以尽情享受你的劳动果实了。

5.As a favorite among the Chinese, the color "red" is generously used in the emblem, pushing passions up to a new level.作为中国人民喜爱的颜色,“红色”被大量地运用到会徽上,将中国人民的热情提升到新的高度。

6.But for all his thrift at home, Mr. Roberts and his wife both gave generously to others.罗伯茨在家里省吃俭用,但他们夫妇对外人却很慷慨。

7.And if I had a quarter for every person who's told me he or she now tipped more generously, I would be able to start my own foundation.有不少人告诉我,他们给小费的时候比以前大方多了,要是我为他们中的每个人拿出25美分,那么我自己的基金会都可以建立起来了。

8.And so we are generously given so we can give generously. And as a measure of our faith we determine how much were going to give.如果我们领受的多,就能慷慨的付出,是作为对我们信心的衡量。

9.I noticed the powder on her face, spread generously and glistening now in the damp wrinkles of her skin.我注意到她脸上抹的粉,均匀地分布在她湿湿皱皱的肤上,闪耀着。

10.He gave generously of his own accord.他自愿慷慨解囊。