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网络释义:创世纪;创世记;劳恩斯复数:geneses  同义词




1.开端;创始;起源the beginning or origin of sth


n.1.a book of the Bible, in which the creation of the world is described.2.the time or circumstances of something's coming into being

1.创世纪 degenerative a 退化的;变坏的 genesis n 起源,创始 genetic a 基因的,遗传学的 ...

4.劳恩斯 発生: genesis 发生genesis 适者: survival of the fittest ...

6.创始 degenerative a 退化的;变坏的 genesis n 起源,创始 genetic a 基因的,遗传学的 ...


8.创世纪乐队创世纪乐队的班克斯、考林斯、鲁瑟福德创世纪乐队(Genesis)是英国七十代崛起的一支卓越的前卫摇滚乐队,其中所有成员都 …


1."Genesis mentions nothing but a serpent, " says Kevin Dunn, chair of the department of religion at Tufts University in Massachusetts.马萨诸塞州塔夫斯大学宗教系系长凯文·杜恩(KevinDunn)说:“《创世纪》里只是提到了一条蛇。”

2."How weird do they have to be suggest a second genesis as opposed to just an obscure branch of the family tree? " he said.戴维斯说:“它们到底要多怪异,才能说明它们是二次进化,而非生物系统中一个鲜为人知的分支呢?”

3.The members of the Ishmaelite caravan who bought Joseph from his brothers and sold him in Egypt were called Midianites (Genesis 37: 28, 36).从约瑟兄长们手中买下约瑟,又把他卖到埃及的以实玛利骆驼队商,又叫米甸人(37:28,36)。

4.The suicide bombing to which the innocent heroes go is an act that, from its genesis to its conclusion, is devoid of victims.自杀式炸弹袭击者,无辜的英雄,从开头到结尾,没有一个受害人。

5.A weight's genesis begins with the Hopfield net choosing a pair of coordinates within the bounds of a basic pattern matrix.权重的生成首先由Hopfield网络在基本图案矩阵的界限内选择一对坐标。

6.In Genesis it says that it is not good for a man to be alone, but sometimes it is a great relief.《创世纪》里面有一段话说“男人鳏居是不好的”,但有时那是一种大大的欣慰。

7.A denervation of the cardiac sympathetic nerve seems to be the primary genesis of the attack in a patient prone to such events.阿神经心脏交感神经似乎主要成因攻击病人容易发生此类事件。

8.And no matter what your views of the war or its genesis, things are likely to turn out different from what you expect.不管你对这场战争或者它的根源怎么看,事情都很可能与你所期望的不一样。

9.It is also interesting that Cain and Abel do not show up in this part of Genesis, which gives the generations (revolutions) of Adam.《创世纪》中只给出了亚当一代人的循环并没有显露出该隐和亚伯的循环,这也很有趣。

10.Moses, the author of the Book of Genesis was born in Egypt, raised by his mother and the adopted son of Pharaoh's daughter.摩西,创世纪的作者,出生在埃及,由他的母亲养大,他也是法老女儿的养子。