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网络释义:生成器;发生器;发电机房复数:generators  搭配同义词

adj.+n.electrical generator,auxiliary generator,portable generator




n.1.Same as generatrix2.a machine that produces electricity

1.发电机 Fuses 保险丝 Generators 发电机 Industrial batteries 工业电池 ...

2.生成器 资讯室机房 Data Processing 发电机房 Generators 空调机房 Air Conditioning Facilities ...

5.产生器 生成空间||spanning space 生成元||generators 生成子图||spanning subgraph ...



1.Microcomputers have been used FOR FORecasting tidal FORces, making it possible FOR the generators to operate in optimum conditions.由于采用了微型计算机来预报潮汐力,因而可以使发电机组能在最佳状态下运行。

2.That, in turn, bounces the light down in a concentrated beam about a metre (3ft) wide to produce heat and drive generators.这个塔又反过来把光以3米宽的光束集中反射到地上,这样可以产生热量和发电。

3.Who could have guessed that it would also become one of the country's biggest generators of money for children's charities?谁会料到,世界小姐比赛还成为英国儿童慈善事业的最大解囊者之一呢?。

4.The result of test shows that this control unit meets the need of the power station. Now, three generators are working well.调试结果表明,本文设计的航机发电控制器满足现场电站的要求,现在,电站三台机组已全部正常发电。

5.The company Wave Energy's plans to put electric generators inside breakwaters is the only idea that wins favor from these fishermen.波浪能公司计划把发电机放进防波提里,这是渔民们唯一认可的方法。

6.But she said her shop, which sells diesel-powered generators, did a strong trade among local factories, most of which make wire fencing.但她的事业目前却很红火,她经营的柴油发电机店收到了当地工厂(以造钢丝为主)的一大批订单。

7.The company recently decided to put more focus on Africa, especially in Nigeria where it is trying to become a leader in selling generators.这家公司最近决定把更多重心放在非洲,特别是尼日利亚,这家公司希望能在发电机销售上领先。

8.They are easy to create (thanks to instant web page generators), even if they are not always works of art.因为固定网页生成器的诞生,创建它们非常简单,尽管它们并不过多地考虑艺术因素。

9.By saving fuel for generators, it has cut back on the number of convoys, meaning less opportunity for one of our vehicles to hit an IED.通过节省了发电机的燃料,减少了护送队的数量,这也意味着我们的车辆减少了遭到简易爆炸装置袭击的概率。

10.Build determines which generators must be run to produce a specific target from specific sources.Build决定要运行哪些生成器来从指定源生成指定目标。