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genetic disease是什么意思_怎么读

genetic disease

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1.遗传病 genetic code 遗传密码 genetic disease 遗传病 genetic effect 遗传效应 ...

2.遗传性疾病 genetic death 遗传性死亡 genetic disease 遗传性疾病 genetic effect 基因效应 ...

3.遗传疾病 肿瘤遗传学  行为遗传学  发育遗传学  遗传伦理学 (genetic disease)    , • ε β G γ A γ δ ψ β 11p15.5β ε β G γ A γ …

8.基因上的疾病它是一种基因上的疾病(genetic disease )。这基因的缺陷来自於两方面,一个是先天遗传,另一个就是后天环境造成的。


1.Is cloning all that different from genetically engineering an embryo to eliminate a genetic disease like cystic fibrosis?克隆与改造胚胎的基因以消除象囊性纤维变性这样的基因疾病真的是有天壤之别吗?

2.However, some families and couples planning to have children may be faced with the diagnosis of a genetic disease.然而,有一些打算生孩子的家庭和夫妇可能会面对遗传病的诊断。

3.You could not get to that goal without a far better understanding of underlying cellular and genetic disease mechanisms.如果没有对基本的细胞和基因疾病机理的更深理解,这种目标就没有办法达成。

4.Some couples with genetic disease in their families will choose cloning as a way of avoiding what they regard as "reproductive roulette. "有些有家族遗传病的夫妇会选择克隆技术作为一种避免他们视为“生殖赌博”的方法。

5.These errors could either cause the pregnancy to fail or mean the baby would be born with a genetic disease.这些错误可能导致堕胎,也可能意味着孩子出生之后就患有基因疾病。

6.PGD was first performed in the early 1990's as a way for couples to prevent the pregnancy of a child with genetic disease.胚胎移植前遗传学诊断(PGD)起源于90年代初,是怀孕的夫妇防止胎儿受到异常基因或染色体影响的一种有效措施。

7.He suffered from hypertrichosis , a rare genetic disease that covers the entire bodies of the subjects with a thick coat of fur.他患有多毛症,这是一种罕见的基因变异性疾病,患者全身被一层厚厚的毛所覆盖。

8.Stroke is not a genetic disease, stroke only part of a genetic tendency.中风并非是遗传病,仅有一部分中风具有遗传倾向。

9.Sure. If people are near in blood, they might pass on some genetic disease to the next generation.当然知道,近亲结婚会给下一代带来某些遗传的疾病。

10.Hypospadias is supposed to be a multiple- genetic disease.目前,普遍认为尿道下裂是一种通过多基因遗传的疾病。