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1.由基因决定的 insect n. 昆虫 genetically adv. 由基因决定的;与遗传有关的 gene n. 基因;(遗传)因子 ...

2.与遗传有关的 insect n. 昆虫 genetically adv. 由基因决定的;与遗传有关的 gene n. 基因;(遗传)因子 ...

3.基因地 ... Kinship: 亲属关系(编辑:胡慧) Genetically: 基因地 Evolutionary psychology: 进化论心 …

4.遗传上地 potential a.潜在的,有可能性的 genetically a.遗传上地 migrate (v)迁移;移居 ...

5.由遗传决定地 procedure 程序,手续,步骤 genetically 由遗传决定地 perish 毁灭,消 …

6.因基因决定地 ... rocket 火箭;火箭发动机 genetically 因基因决定地 engineer 设计;建造 ...


1.Their work could enable extra information to be added to a genetically modified crop in the form of a "bio barcode" , Chan said.陈汀峰教授认为他们的工作可以使额外的信息可以以“生物条形码”的形式添加进转基因作物。

2.They're really trying to explore the idea that the clones may be genetically identical but not alike in any other way.他们的确在努力探索这样一个观点:克隆人也许在基因上是一样的,但在其他方面会不同。

3.In summary, he said, he wanted clinicians to remember that "alcohol use disorders are genetically influenced. "在摘要中,他表示,他希望临床医生记住“酒精使用障碍是受遗传影响的。”

4.So the top curve shows the body weight of a genetically obese mouse that eats nonstop, until it turns fat like this furry tennis ball.上面的曲线显示体重是一个有肥胖基因的老鼠不停的吃,直至它变得象这个毛茸茸的网球一样胖。

5.True, it is a bit of a mutant Pigeon, and has been genetically modified with high-tech accoutrements .实际上,这辆飞鸽有些变种,它经过了基因改良,我用一些高科技手段改装了它。

6.The agency said the genetically engineered sugar beets do not harm the environment or increase threats by pests.该部门表示,这种转基因甜菜不会对环境造成影响,也不会增加害虫蔓延的威胁。

7.Also, mice that have been genetically engineered to lack the gene engage in a number of behaviors suggestive of autism, she said.还有,经遗传工程处理过的缺少RORA基因的老鼠证明了若干种使人联想到自闭症行为,她说。

8.The United States is one of twenty-five countries where farmers planted genetically engineered crops in two thousand nine.到2009年,世界上已有25个国家种植转基因农作物,美国是其中之一。

9.Just suppose that ten of the thousands of genetically modified vegetables or fruits sold over the next twenty years produce health damage.只是设想一下,在未来二十年中出售的数以万计的转基因蔬菜或是水果所产生的健康危害。

10.The high appeal of property and food seem to be genetically encoded, like a part of the operating software.房产和美食的高度吸引力就好像部分软件编码一样,被编进了遗传基因,不断运行,代代相传。