美式发音: [ˈdʒenɪt(ə)lz] 英式发音: ['dʒenɪt(ə)lz]n.外生殖器
genitalsn.1.外生殖器a person's sex organs that are outside their body
n.1.the outer sex organs of a person or animal
1.生殖器 (6) 背阳为阴[ in the shade;shady] (8) 生殖器[ genitals] (10) 指秋冬季节[ autumn and winter] ...
2.外生殖器 生殖装备 genital armature 外生殖器 genitalia;genitals 生殖力 genitality ...
3.生殖系统 ... ( 生理学 ) physiologist ( 生殖系统 ) genitals ( 喉 ) thyroid cartilage ...
4.性器官 ... former: 前任 genitals: 性器官 terrified: 受到惊吓的 ...
5.私处 ... Meaning:Dwelling Place of the Self. 意思:自我的居所。 Location:Genitals. 位置:私处 …
6.男女不明性器 600 前列腺,精囊 prostate,seminal vesicle 620 男女不明性器 genitals 655 肾盂 renal pelvis ...
7.小弟弟 ... abruptly 突然的 genitals 小弟弟 I'm without friends 我没有朋友 ...
造句带翻译释义:,外生殖器,生殖系统,性器官,私处1.Exercises like Kegels are super easy to do and do NOT require you to handle your genitals.凯格尔式练习非常容易做到,也不需要你直接对付小弟弟。
2.Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals .某瑞典制的电锯:请勿试图用你的双手或生殖器停止电锯。
3.her mother, with delicate scissors, would snip out the genitals from tapestries destined for the puritan American market.她的妈妈,用精致的剪刀,从那些准备销往美国清教徒市场的织锦上剪掉生殖器。
4.It might be argued that breasts are a private part, like the genitals, and hence should not be exposed in public.另一种声音是,乳房是很私密的部分,就像生殖器一样,所以不应该暴露于众。
5.On a Swedish chain saw: Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals .某瑞典制的电锯(杀人魔会用的那种链锯):请勿试图用你的双手或生殖器停止电锯。
6.Secondly, a genetic boy may be born with a fully functioning female brain and a set of male genitals.第二,虽然基因上生为男孩,也许会有一个完全起女性作用的大脑,同时有一副男性生殖器。
7.A male doctor in Bahrain can only examine the genitals of a woman in the reflection of a mirror .在巴林,男医生只能通过镜子来检查女性生殖器。
8.The door-god culture originated from matrilineal society. The ancient door-god was the symbol of female genitals.门神文化当起源于母系氏族社会,早先的门神都是女阴象征物。
9.His wife eventually bears him a boy, Saifu, who they discover has been born with both male and female genitals.后来,妻子终于给他生下一个儿子,起名为赛弗(Saifu),但他们发现,这个新生儿既有男性生殖器,也有女性生殖器。
10.Have the receiver lie on her back with pillows under her head so she can look down at her genitals and up at her partner (giver).让女性仰躺,头置于枕上,以便能顺着身体向下看她的性器,而抬头则看见她的伴侣。