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genetic fingerprinting是什么意思_怎么读

genetic fingerprinting

美式发音: [dʒəˌnetɪk ˈfɪŋɡərˌprɪntɪŋ] 英式发音: [dʒəˌnetɪk ˈfɪŋɡə(r)ˌprɪntɪŋ]




genetic fingerprintingn.

1.基因指纹分析;遗传指纹法the method of finding the particular pattern of genes in an individual person, particularly to identify sb or find out if sb has committed a crime


n.1.a method of examining someones dnagenetic structure which is individual to them and not shared by anyone else

1.基因指纹分析 ... genetic erosion 遗传冲刷 genetic fingerprinting 基因指纹分析 genetic fitness 遗传适合度 ...

2.基因鉴定 基因间区段 intergenic region 基因鉴定 genetic fingerprinting 基因扩大 gene amplification ...

3.遗传指纹分析 ... genetic disease 遗传疾病 genetic fingerprinting 遗传指纹法 genetic map 遗传图谱,染色体图,基因图 ...

5.基因指纹鉴定另外还有遗传工程学(genetic engineering)、基因指纹鉴定(genetic fingerprinting)等。2001年美国赛莱拉公司绘制出人类基因图 …


1.Sharks caught are secured alongside a small boat, identified, measured and sexed, and a tissue sample is removed for genetic fingerprinting.被捕捉的鲨鱼安静地靠着小船,之后对其进行测量和性别鉴定,并抽取基因样本。

2.It is also known as genetic fingerprinting or DNA profiling.它还被叫做基因指纹分析或DNA基因图。

3.Study on Genetic Fingerprinting Technique of Microbial Communities遗传指纹图谱技术对微生物群落的分析