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美式发音: [ˌdʒinɪˈælətɪ] 英式发音: [ˌdʒi:nɪ'ælətɪ]







1.亲切 Resignation 辞职,断念,放弃,顺从 Geniality 温暖,亲切 Ardour 热情,热心, …

2.和蔼 absurdity n 荒谬 geniality n 和蔼 equanimity n 镇定,沉着 ...

3.温和 genial 愉快的,脾气好的. geniality 和蔼,温和 genitive 属格的 ...

4.温暖 Resignation 辞职,断念,放弃,顺从 Geniality 温暖,亲切 Ardour 热情,热心, …

5.温和舒适 ... GREAT( 强大能量) GENIALITY温和舒适) GOOD( 极佳疗效) ...

6.舒适的 适(S):有创造性的( smart) 冠(G):舒适的geniality) 方(F):完美( finish) ...


1.His words were all uttered with a fine geniality of eye and manner which went far to conquer my distrust.他说那些话时,目光相当和蔼、态度极其温和。这大大地消除了我的猜疑心理。

2.But to fully grasp the geniality of Nielsen's design, one needs to understand the Danish sense of humour and subtle irony.但要充分把握尼尔森的设计和蔼,我们需要了解和微妙的讽刺幽默丹麦的感觉。

3.He felt like a prince returned from exile, and his lonely heart burgeoned in the geniality in which it bathed.他觉得自己像个流放归来的王子,寂寞的心沐浴在真情实爱之间,又含苞欲放了。

4.The general prosperous Si belong to Mediterranean weather, the summer sunlight be ample, the genial breezes be warm, winter geniality dry.普罗旺斯属地中海气候,夏季阳光充足,暖风和煦,冬季温和干燥。

5.This Benjy was a young , clean- shaven creature, whose face and voice and manner were a perfect blend of steel and geniality .彭杰是一个胡子刮得精光的小伙子,他的面貌、声调和态度是斩钉截铁和春风迎人两种气概的完美混杂物。

6.His protruding eyes, that gave such an unusual, foreign appearance to his very dark face, radiated geniality .他那双爆眼睛,使他那张很黝黑的脸看上去很别致,有点外国人的味儿,闪着和蔼可亲的光芒。

7.I'm a lawyer, I is a gentle kind-hearted Chinese woman, personality geniality, being kind to others, like the simple life, a happy heart.我是一名律师,我更是一个温柔善良的中国女人,性格温和,善待他人,喜欢简简单单的生活,开开心心的工作。

8.Oneself the personality geniality, act towards people sincere, work to be responsible for hard, with quiet attention careful.本人性格温和、待人诚恳,做事认真负责、细心谨慎。

9.Purely natural plant formulation, kind geniality , promote the skin epidermis layer melanin the decomposition.纯天然植物配方,性质温和,促进皮肤表皮层黑色素分解。

10.There, with undiminished geniality he would make himself the life and soul of our little gathering, seated on the top of our study table.在那儿,他坐在我们的书桌上,一贯温文尔雅地把自己变作我们小小聚会的生命与灵魂。