美式发音: [ˈdʒini] 英式发音: [ˈdʒiːni]n.精灵
网络释义:说出你的愿望;说出你愿望;说出愿望吧复数:genies 复数:genii 同义词
genien.1.(阿拉伯故事中,尤指瓶子或灯里的)杰尼,镇尼,精灵(in Arabian stories) a spirit with magic powers, especially one that lives in a bottle or a lamp
n.1.= jinni2.【女名】女子名 imaginary spirit with magic powers in ancient Middle Eastern stories
1.说出你的愿望 10. 只往好处想( Day by Day) 12. 说出你的愿望( Genie) 3. 女朋友( Girlfriend) ...
2.说出你愿望 Gaston: 加斯顿 Genie: 精灵 Goofy: 高飞 ...
8.妖怪 cotton — 棉花 genie — 妖怪,精灵 giraffe — 长颈鹿 ...
造句带翻译释义:,精灵,说出你的愿望,说出你愿望,说出愿望吧1.You want to have a feeling that you want to like and the sea calm, as if you unfurl All of a sudden became unruly and persevering sea genie.你想拥有一份情怀,你想和大海一样平静,仿佛顷刻间你幻化成了任性而执着的海之精灵。
2.Suddenly, a cloud came out of the lamp. Another genie was flying in front of him.突然间,一阵烟从灯里面冒出来,另一个精灵飞到他的面前。
3.Because I could not identify the position of my body in space, I felt enormous and expansive, like a genie just liberated from her bottle.因为我无法辨别我身体所处的位置,我还是感觉巨大而且膨胀,就像是从瓶中获得解放的小鬼。
4.How would such a genie get out of the bottle?这样一个妖怪如何能够破石而出的呢?
5."King Arthur" seems to be a continuation of "people-oriented" high quality, completely out of which Genie part of the legend.《亚瑟王》似乎延续着〈特洛伊〉“以人为本”的高尚品质,完全剔除其中神怪传说部分。
6.Aladdin was in trouble. He rubbed the magic ring on his finger, and a genie came out of the ground.阿拉丁遇到大麻烦,他搓了搓手指上的戒指,一只精灵从地底跑了出来。
7."Thank you for helping me out of that hole, " said the genie. "I will be your servant. You can ask me to do anything. "“谢谢您把我从洞里拯救出来,”精灵说。“我会成为您的仆人,您可以要求我做任何事。”
8.A federal office worker finds a lamp in an old file drawer, and as he examines it a genie pops out.一名工作人员在放文件的旧抽屉里了盏油灯,在他检查这盏油灯的时候,砰的一声妖怪冒了。
9.Last week, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone said the media mogul was engaged in a vain attempt to "put the genie back in the bottle" .上周,Twitter创办人之一BizStone称,这位传媒巨头是在反其道而行之,这种行为无异于把放出来的精灵重新放回神灯中一样毫无意义。
10.As one top Wall Streeter laments, "We are all trying to put the compensation genie back in the bottle. "一位资深华尔街人士哀叹道:“我们都在试图把薪酬魔鬼重新放回瓶子里。”