genetic relationship
美式发音: 英式发音:na.亲缘关系
1.亲缘关系 genetic predispotion 基因先天条件 genetic relationship 亲缘关系 glide 滑音 ...
2.语系关系 ... sexual relationship 性关系 genetic relationship 亲缘关系;语系关系 international relationship 国际关系 ...
3.成因关系 ... 设计图 design chart 成因关系 genetic relationship 高迁移率族蛋白质类 high mobility group proteins ...
4.遗传亲缘关系 ... ) homolgy relationship 同源亲缘关系遗> ) genetic relationship 遗传亲缘关系 ...
5.朱鹮 亚目: genetic relationship 朱鹮: genetic relationship 现状: national relationship ...
造句带翻译释义:,亲缘关系,语系关系,成因关系,遗传亲缘关系1.Molecular marker technique is an important method in studying phylogenetic evolution and genetic relationship of organisms.分子标记是生物系统进化和亲缘关系分析的重要手段。
2.In recent years, some new lines have been found in Fujian Province, their genetic relationship need to be studied further.并且近年来福建省新选育(发现)了一些新的株系,其亲缘关系有待研究和证实;
3.The molecular genetic relationship with frontotemporal lobar degeneration with FUS pathology remains to be clarified.而额颞叶退化和FUS病理的分子遗传关系还需要阐明。
4.The genetic background of the most individuals is complex, and so far, the researches on genetic relationship of bougainvillea are limited.三角梅众多品种的遗传背景复杂,国内外迄今有关三角梅品种间亲缘关系的研究资料甚少。
5.The dissertation uncovers the genetic relationship between soil components and their spectrum.其次,揭示了土壤成分与其光谱成因机理之间的内在联系。
6.Study of genetic relationship between dikes and gold ore bodies in Kubusu gold deposit in east Junggar .东准噶尔库布苏金矿床岩脉与金矿成因关系的研究。
7.Jianchaling gold deposit belongs to micro disseminated tectonic altered rock type, which has genetic relationship with ultrabasic rock.煎茶岭金矿床属于与超基性岩有成因联系的微细浸染状构造蚀变岩型金矿床。
8.Studying these variations may shed more light on the genetic relationship between identical twins.关于这些不同点的研究或许会给同卵双生之间的基因联系带来更多新的希望。
9.we share the closest genetic relationship possible without being identical twins.我们有除了同卵双胞胎之外可能的最紧密的基因联系。
10.At last, the genetic relationship between Brassica genera and Arabidopsis thaliana was summarized.最后,文章对芸薹属不同基因组和拟南芥基因组之间的亲缘关系进行了综述。